At the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018, Alibaba unveiled various solutions which aim to provide an interactive and immersive experience to fans, athletes, organising bodies

IOC President Thomas Back (L) sharing a light moment with Jack Ma

IOC President Thomas Bach (L) sharing a light moment with Jack Ma

Jack Ma, Founder of Chinese e-commerce behemoth Alibaba, today said businesses and startups across the world should compete with an Olympic spirit.

Addressing the media on the sidelines of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018, Ma remarked that if businesses compete with an Olympic spirit, the world would become more peaceful.

Alibaba is the cloud services and e-commerce platform services partner of the International Olympics Committee (IOC).

“I believe in the spirit of the Olympics, the fight and the spirit of competition. I believe the real world and the business world should also compete with an Olympic spirit. If the business world competes with the this kind of a spirit, the world would be more peaceful,” he said.

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“We believe that no matter whether from a county that is big, small, rich or poor, they should have an equal chance. When you succeed, the whole world will celebrate your achievement,” he commented.

According to Ma, one of the most successful businessmen in the world, there is no game in the world like Olympics that attracts tens of thousands of people who are willing to sit and watch games in a place where temperature is less than 5 degree celcius. Alibaba’s mission is to take the Olympics to the next stage by digitalising the event in order to enhance this experience and thereby bringing piece and prosperity. Alibaba has all the solutions to achieve this goal. In the next few years years, Alibaba will be there to do all things to improve the technology and relationship, and use its solutions to help all sports teams and athletes.

“I remember two years ago when I met President Bach in his office, I was moved by his vision for the future. We share the same values. We both believe that we are all born equal and we should all have an equal platform for the future, everyone should compete equally. I think in the spirit of the Olympics,” he went on.

“Our long-term partnership with the Olympic Games is the ultimate showcase for Alibaba, both in terms of what we stand for as a company and how we can use our technology to reimagine the Olympic Games for the digital era. Like the Olympic Games, Alibaba believes in creating a level-playing field, giving every one the chance to compete on the global stage,” he said.

At the event, Alibaba also unveiled various solutions which aim to provide an interactive and immersive experience to fans, athletes, organising bodies and fellow partners in future games. These solutions include Alibaba Cloud ET Brain, a suite of cloud-based and AI-powered solutions that will drive the digital transformation of the games to benefit fans, spectators, athletes, venues and organisers.

The Cloud ET Sports Brain has the potential to transform the way fans engage with the games, creating a good mobile experience moving between offline and online. Fans and athletes would be able to get around the city, find their way to the best events, be prepared for the weather, and experience the Games in new ways with the latest immersive technology.

This solution will also help IOC to pick the optimal locations for future games, using its AI and Big Data geospatial analytics. TheET Sports Brain’s machine learning features can help model relationships between sleep, nutrition and the intensity of training as well as changes in temperature, wind speed, and other natural conditions to support athlete performance.

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