The startup emerged victorious amongst the stiff competition to represent Myanmar at Echelon Asia Summit 2018.


It was an immense pitching session at Phandeeyar Co-Working space today with all 18 startups putting their best foot forward. After much deliberation that forms the expert opinions of the judges, Kone Si clinches the Judge’s Choice award.

Moreover, our E27 and Echelon community have always been rallying behind our cause – we definitely have to let their voices be heard.

Which is why, with much enthusiasm, MMTutors was named the Fan Favourite at Echelon TOP100 Myanmar Qualifiers Roadshow.

Kudos to both startups for such a great showing!

Winner’s Profiles and Prizes

Kone Si, a business based on a platform that connects businesses and consumers with local delivery asset owners through their full-stack application – improving the ease of access to logistical capabilities for last-mile delivery requirements won today’s pitching competition.

The judges unanimously decided on the particular idea pitched due to the strong growth potential of the sector.

Here are some of the “spoils of war” they recieve:

  • Exhibition booth at Echelon Asia Summit 2018
  • 6 months hot desk pass (Usable at any WeWork space in SEA)
  • Additional digits in the bank account – S$500 (US$380)

The people definitely poured their hearts out for MMTutor as they received the highest number of #heartemojis on the fan favourite facebook post! Something tells me it’s because their students are comprised mainly of tech-savvy teenagers. Their brilliant idea of tackling the high cost of private education in the form of tutors does win the favour of the general public. Overall, it is a scalable idea that can capture a large segment of the target market.

What Do Investor’s Look For?

In an engaging and light-hearted session, the panel discussion had tackle the general concerns prevalent in the Myanmar startup and accelerator scene.

The general sentiments are that Myanmar has developed and nurtured a vibrant startup scene with plenty of potential for growth. The main challenges that many Myanmar based startups face would be the difficulties in navigating the Venture Capital (VC) and angel investors’ requirements and processes, making it tricking to gain funding to bring their ideas to life.

The panel was asked various constructive questions which included the timeline for the approval process, VC return on investments, and an ideal founding team size.

The panelists were divided on the topics. Jes and Shuyin both mentioned that “it could range from a month, 3 months, 6 months, and more for the approval process, however, a structured diligent approach was most important.

Loring was less concerned about the time needed for approval but would recommend “additional feedback and be transparent throughout the process” and that “buying over of the start-up might be a good thing, especially if VCs see the potential for growth – providing more resources for progress.”

Everyone’s a Winner

“Wait, what about the rest?” you might ask.

To us, everyone who pitched today at the qualifiers is a winner! With potential investors, business partners and customers making up the audience, someone could have taken notice! Expect that phone call soon guys!

Loring Harkness had mentioned that “the judges were impressed by the ideas that were presented tonight … had identified a number of companies which we believe would represent Myanmar and our Start-up ecosystem proudly.”

Startups pitching today will also receive a chance to attend Echelon Asia Summit 2018 as the top 100 startups after vetting their scores against all the startups pitching in 20+ countries during the Echelon TOP100 Qualifiers.

Let’s take a quick recap of all the fabulous startups whom which we applaud their efforts.

Echelon TOP100 Myanmar Qualifiers and Roadshow startups

1. Amyanpoh

Amyanpoh is the last mile delivery company that uses technology, training and industry knowledge of the Burmese market to provide a new solution to deliver products with an effective tracking solution.

2. AMZ Express

AMZ Express provide last mile delivery service in a country where similar service is scarce for anyone who wants to deliver things by last-mile logistics through a user-friendly, trackable online platform.

3. Flexible Pass

Flexible Pass is the No. 1 Health and Fitness app in Myanmar which can be used to access a variety of fitness activities in over 40 gyms/fitness centres all across Yangon, Myanmar.

4. For Her Myanmar

For Her Myanmar looks to empower woman in startups and small businesses, to imbue confidence and act as a go-to-market accelerator in Myanmar.

5. Gudcare

Gudcare’s application “mydoctor” is a digital platform that bridges the general public of Myanmar to a database of medical professionals, steering towards a healthier society.

Also Read: Have a sneak peek at Echelon TOP100 2018’s Myanmar Qualifiers Judging Panel

6. Kargo Myanmar

Kargo is the 1st online marketplace in Myanmar to connect trucks with businesses and individuals for efficient & reliable logistics and delivery solutions.


MYEO is an edutech social enterprise focusing on furthering the education, skills and professional development opportunities for young people across Myanmar through our education content and network.

8. Next Code 

Next Code does software as a service platform for hospitals, clinics and laboratories in Myanmar. We have 50+ customers out of 500 healthcare units in private healthcare industry.

9. Paypoint

PayPoint Myanmar is a network of Self Service Kiosks that acts as a point-payment system for people to pay their bills and other range of solutions.

10. Beluva by Pancasikha

Pancasikha is the latest streaming service that allows the Myanmar People easy access to a large collection of music on demand.

11. RecyGlo

RecyGlo provides recyclables pickup service for organizations in Yangon by scheduling and arranging pick up and delivering the recyclables to factories and recycling plants.

12. Shwe Bite

An innovative social platform that delivers home-cooked foods to your doorstep. The objective is to empower women and housewives by enabling them to make extra income without leaving their home.

13. Tun Yat 

Tun Yat rents affordable, high-quality farming machines with a standardized service for farmers that you can trust. They are focused on Ag-tech mechanisation.

14. Courses Myanmar (by Win Precious)

Courses Myanmar by Win Precious is an online learning platform to help and develop Myanmar society by imparting skills to the public by making learning resources readily available.

15. ZigWay

ZigWay helps low-income families break free of debt traps. Their mobile app allows people to access cheap, flexible Nano Loans ($5-$200) on their phones, while reducing costs for formal lenders.

16. Budozar

Budozar aims to bring the sharing economy to the agricultural sector by allocating unused resources such as heavy machinery to farmers. The business models leverage on the fact that different crops and farm function would utilize their physical resources at different periods, allowing for an additional source of incomes for dormant months.


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