Also, the Taiwan Health Ministry is testing blockchain and there are two fantastic interviews from local entrepreneurs

Taiwanese tech economy continues to plug away, and last week saw some exciting news for blockchain enthusiasts. With the government testing the product in the health sector, maybe the Taiwanese government is beginning to embrace a more progressive attitude towards disruptive tech.

Read this story and more in our weekly wrap of Taiwanese news via Inside Taiwan (the links all source Chinese-language articles).

Taiwan Ministry of Health and Welfare is conducting a study on blockchain


Medicine has always been an industry on the cutting edge of contemporary, and sometimes experimental, technology. Today, many people think blockchain technology has a lot of potential in the medical industry — proving blockchain is not just the domain of the financial industry.

Also Read: Live from TechCrunch, Fintech needs to be less about tech

INSIDE interviewed the first-ever CIO of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, Xu Minghui. He talked about the technology and how Taiwan can adopt and development blockchain for the medical industry.

Singapore’s oBike says Taiwan is the best ‘practice field’


oBike has recently moved to Taiwan, and has a distinct advantage over local rival Youbike, which requires renting at a set location.

The most challenging hurdle for oBike is communicating with the local government . oBike is now operating in Taiwan Shuangbei, Taitung, Hualien City , and other places are in the trial-phase.

Although the government always treat these new business models stricter in Taiwan, its a good place for oBike to build an SOP as it expands to other countries.

Initium Media Editor Zhang Jieping: We have made all the mistakes, like the other new media companies


Since they launched in 2015, Initium Media has been praised in Taiwan for their depth and high-quality reporting. In recent years, many people have given the honor of being one of the country’s most informative and trustworthy sources of news.

Unfortunately, this April, they met the same financial crisis that many media companies encounter. Initium Media had to cut nearly 70 employees. Zhang Jieping says that, although the team lost 70 per cent of their colleagues, the core value of Initium Media will not be changed.

The master of nsfwstudio, FroggyChiu, talks about the business of funny videos


Everyone knows the value of viral videos, but there are a few entrepreneurs out there that make it their career.

It takes adaptation to different platforms — for example, a company must approach Facebook differently than YouTube. YouTube is better for deep and long content, Facebook is shorter videos but conducive for rapid growth.

Taiwan’s first Apple outlets to launch in Taipei


Believe it or not, but Taiwan does not yet have an Apple Store. That is set to change as the company will be opening an office in the famous Taipei 101 tower.

Also Read: Millennials are attracted to startup culture, and businesses should address these needs to attract great talent

While many countries do not have an Apple store, Taiwan should. Why? Because the Taiwanese manufacturing giant Foxconn is a major producer of Apple products.

Copyright: kampwit / 123RF Stock Photo

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