There is no shortcut to achieving positive results as a tech entrepreneur

From Uber to Spotify, Mashable, and Reddit — some of the largest tech startups in the world weren’t created overnight. Instead, their founding team worked for years and followed a series of necessary lessons without any failure to make these startups successful. If you wish to sail the same boat this year, then follow their footsteps right from day one.

Here are five biggest lessons that you can pay heed to while launching a tech startup in order to make your venture successful-

1. Patience Is The Key When It Comes To Growth-Hacking

One of the widely used and most popular terms of the past century is “overnight success”. From Steve Jobs to Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, dozens of tech entrepreneurs were called “founders who witnessed overnight success”.

As a tech enthusiast who wishes to touch the same heights as they did in the coming years, you may feel inspired by hearing these overnight success stories. However, you should try to understand that overnight success takes continuous hard work for many years without any break. You cannot merely make efforts today and expect their results tomorrow.

Entrepreneurship and growth hacking are time-consuming processes. Have patience and keep working hard towards your goal.

2. Be Clear About Your Company’s Mission & Vision Statements

Your mission and vision statements are not ordinary excerpts used to lure investors into believing how great your startup is. Instead, they are prepared to make sure you don’t forget your business goals and why you have chosen this path of uncertainty and endless hustling. Experts claim that a clear mission and vision statement helps tech founders set goals and achieve them successfully. So, invest enough time, energy and thoughts in preparing them. Here are four key elements according to Inc that you can follow while doing it:

  • Inspiration: Why does your tech startup exist?
  • Value: What does your tech startup do?
  • Specificity: What are the ideal outcomes of your efforts?
  • Plausibility: Does the tech startup address real challenges?

Keep these four points in mind while preparing mission and vision statements. They will help you derive the best results in a trouble-free manner.

Also read: [e27 Sharing Corner]: Looking into common pitfalls of young startups

3. Security Is A Major Concern, Address It Wisely

We keep hearing news revolving around cybercrime from time to time. Unless you take into consideration advanced security options, there are high chances of your startup’s website or social media accounts falling prey to hackers.

Don’t let it happen ever!

From using the best customer support directory to installing a solid malware system on your startup’s web servers and opting for strong passwords, try every available hack to keep your online accounts safe and secure. Though it may seem tough in the beginning, if you stay true to your goals, you can easily get desired outcomes.

4. Identify Your Audience

It’s all about how well you know your audience. The better you know them, the easier it will become for you create personalized offers for them and establish a connection. This practice will help you create a sustainable revenue stream and earn users’ trust in the long run.

There is no shortcut to achieving positive results as an entrepreneur in the tech field. So, keep experimenting with different tactics and focus on identifying your audience even before you launch your first tech venture.

5. Choose Your Cofounder Carefully

The term ‘co-founder’ has become extremely popular in the last fifteen years or so. As an entrepreneur willing to come up with your own tech startup, you might need a helping hand whom you are ready to make the co-founder of your company. Well, there is nothing wrong with doing this, but remember one thing — it’s going to be a long-term association. Unless you and your business partner are not on the same page, you will have to face many challenges while running the startup. So, no matter what happens, choose your co-founder carefully.

Also read: This isn’t personal: How to diplomatically fire your best friend

The year 2018 has just begun, and you have got eleven more months to bring your tech startup idea to reality. Don’t waste this period by not taking initiatives that will push you closer to your dreams. Pay heed to the lessons mentioned above and have a great overall experience.

Are you running a tech startup already and want to share a thing or two about turning entrepreneurial dreams into reality? If yes, comment below and share valuable lessons that young entrepreneurs willing to come up with a tech startup in the near future should learn.


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