Organised by e27, the TOP100 programme will provide global startups looking to expand in APAC with a launchpad to success – regardless of industry!


We are thrilled to be joining forces with the AI_ROBOT@STSP initiative earlier this year, a space which aims to support innovation in AI and Robotics on all levels, from educational initiatives and community building, to the establishment of an advanced makerspace and accelerator programs for early stage AI and Robotics startups, to empower the formation of a regional entrepreneurship ecosystem.

“Taiwan possesses deep tech research and development capabilities, especially with a semiconductor industry cluster unique to STSP. STSP is opening up opportunities for startups to validate their ideas through conducting pilots with large corporations, and also providing resources necessary to enable critical technologies and products to go-to-market, ” shares STSP Bureau Director-General, Lin Wei-Cheng.

Also read: StarFab inks partnership with TOP100 to accelerate AI growth in Asia

Cultivating and connecting Southern Taiwan’s ecosystem with the region

STSP’s strategic focus on AI and Robotics is geared towards their development vision which primarily includes:

  • Economic Development: To become an Asian high-tech industrial and talent center that will foster growth among Park enterprises and create local jobs
  • Environmental Development: To promote environmental protection, green building techniques, culture and art and to make the STSP a green Science Park offering “green production, comfortable life, and diversified ecology”.
  • Industrial Development: To be a leading, integrated industrial structure for IC, optoelectronics, green energy, biomedical device, which in turn will attract greater, sustainable investments in these industries.

How this partnership is a win for APAC-based startups

If you are a startup focussing on Healthcare, Agriculture, Manufacturing, AR/VR, IoT, Finance, Big Data, Transportation or Energy, and are already utilising or keen to utilise AI and/or Robotics as a core product or service application – this one is for you.

STSP is supporting TOP100 in order to discover and support extraordinary AI and/or Robotics startups throughout the APAC region. Through connecting them with STSP’s industries and resources, we aim to work together to inspire innovation and collaboration across different countries and industries – and certainly, greater business opportunities.

Join the community at a Qualifier Roadshow near you!

TOP100, presented by WeWork, is a programme powered by e27 that empowers insights, connections, talent and funding opportunities for early-stage tech startups in Asia. In order to shine a spotlight on the chosen 100, we travel through 23 APAC cities in 2 months, span 7 market categories, and partner with community leaders and ecosystem expertise to curate the ones to keep an eye out for. Learn more or apply now at

TOP100 Qualifier Roadshows begin across Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia and Myanmar from March 6th, 2018, before taking on the rest of APAC. The TOP100 2018 Official Startup Application Round for joining the Qualifier Roadshow has ended, but we are still accepting applications for Discretionary Admission.

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