NEXEA partnered with Digi, HELP University, Rhombus Connexion, and Spritzer. It is now accepting applications from Malaysian technology startups


NEXEA Angels Sdn. Bhd. (“NEXEA”), a startup investment firm based in Malaysia, has announced the launch of the Startup-Corporate Pilot Program. The firm said that the program aims at identifying and exploring potential collaborations among local technology startups and corporations.

The program is supported by organisations such as Digi, HELP University, Rhombus Connexion, and Spritzer.

The Startup-Corporate Pilot Program is open to Malaysia-based startups ranging from ideation stage all the way to pre-series A. NEXEA is looking to enrol startups in the areas of connectivity, fintech, Internet of Things, SME solutions, F&B, education, healthcare, and home services.

“Many startups desire a working relationship with corporate entities but many too are unable to attain it due to various reasons. So, this year, besides running our regular Startup Accelerator Program we are bringing a platform where startups have direct access to corporations so they can explore potential collaborations,” said Ben Lim, Managing Partner of NEXEA.

Startups joining the program will get an opportunity to explore pilot projects supported by the aforementioned organisations who will provide feedback to them. The startups will also have product testing and have these organisations as potential customers.

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NEXEA’s role will be mentors and potential investors for startups. NEXEA will bring mentors who are entrepreneurs with C-level positions like CEO and some have successfully brought companies to initial public offering (IPO), the company claimed.

The Startup-Corporate Pilot Program will start in July this year and run in parallel with NEXEA’s startup accelerator program. Applications to join are now open and will be closed on 24 June 2019.

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