The product wants to get traditional retailers online by focussing on simplicity
In many places across Asia, traditional offline retailers are understanding — and embracing — the need to move parts of their business online. However, that can be much easier said than done as only 3 per cent of Southeast Asian retail business comes from online, according to Internet Live Stats.
To address this challenge, Malaysian payment gateway MOLpay, and a major Taiwanese research facility, the Institute for Information Industry (III), announced today a partnership to create KD8, a platform that allows any business to build an online mobile app.
The target market for the product is not tech enthusiasts or e-commerce entrepreneurs, but rather to incentivise the more traditional businesses to make the leap to online.
Also Read: MOLPay launches in-page payment feature
Basically, KD8 is a third-party app developer that targets simplicity over customization. For the wireframe, companies can really only choose colors scheme and one of two templates.
The UX allows for product management, moveable viewing of the product, push notification capabilities, a map guide to the store and a payment gateway via MOLpay.
It also has backend features like sales statistics, membership management and nifty marketing tools (like beacon-based marketing).
“In the next few years, online and mobile shopping in Southeast Asia will enjoy tremendous growth and expected to be the fastest growing region globally. MOLPay has invested heavily in enhancing the payment checkout page’s user interface and user experience,” said Tony Hsieh the Project Manager of International Division at III Taiwan in a statement.
“We believe that partnering with MOLPay will provide a first-class payment experience for the end users,” he concluded.
The service will be available in Malaysia in Singapore to kick off the launch, but it plans to be expanded across Southeast Asia fairly quickly.
Copyright: tandav / 123RF Stock Photo
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