Don’t expect them to come to you

Question: What is the primary marketing channel you use and why?

Ryan Meghdies — Tastic Marketing

Reputation-generating referrals

“While online marketing brings the most amount of leads, I love word-of-mouth business! There is a minimal amount of sales effort, contracts are signed sooner and we have the highest close rate on these leads. Trust is key to a healthy and long-term client relationship, but it takes time to earn it. When an existing client brags about you, there is a certain level of trust passed on.”

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Marty McDonald — Bad Rhino Inc

Social Media

“We primarily use social media to get the word out. Each channel serves a different purpose and audience. The targeting on social media is so powerful that it’s hard to ignore and effective when used correctly.”

Steven Buchwalk — Buchwald & Associates

There’s No Right Answer

“You should go where your audience is. If during market research, you find that the majority of your clients use Twitter, you should be there. If your audience isn’t much for using social media, look into print and television ads. Of course, if all else fails, you can simply use Facebook – it’s almost always a safe bet.”

Todd Giannattasio — Tresnic Media

Facebook Ads

“Right now, Facebook Ads are the best way to reach a very specific target audience to validate ideas and generate leads. If you know your numbers, you can very profitably build a system to drive awareness within your target audience, generate leads and drive sales. The key is to know your audience and have a very clear message aligned with solving their problems.”

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The Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) is an invite-only organisation comprising the world’s most promising young entrepreneurs. In partnership with Citi, YEC recently launched BusinessCollective, a free virtual mentorship programme that helps millions of entrepreneurs start and grow businesses.

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