It takes a village to raise a startup ecosystem

One of our most exciting initiatives of 2018 is our TOP100 programme. We are scouring Asia to find the best hidden gems and exciting young companies in this part of the world.

But we could never do this alone. It requires support from the community and enthusiastic partners who share the same vision as e27.

Let’s meet four of our Co-organisers from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Vietnam! We couldn’t do it without them.

Indonesia — DailySocial is a web site containing daily news on the web and internet technologies both from abroad and within the country.

They cover tech-related news for their Indonesian audience. They cover tech business, corporate tech and consumer tech such as apps, gadgets, games, social media etc.

Also Read: Meet 27 more investors participating in TOP100 2018

The best comparison for DailySocial is, well, e27. We cover the ecosystem with similar ideas of community, newsworthiness and ecosystem support.

Malaysia — StartupMamak

StartupMamak is a startup meet-up organisation that brings the Malaysian startup community together for monthly get togethers. They are helping entrepreneurs in Malaysia connect, collaborate and create.

The core part about StartupMamak is that it is free (and consistent). This has helped the organisation grow into a platform for entrepreneurs, students, angels and VCs (and really anybody). While the meetups are casual, the topics are serious, and the meetup approaches startups with a hope to facilitate “no-BS” roundtable discussions.

Singapore – BANSEA

BANSEA (Business Angel Network of Southeast Asia) is one of the oldest and most important organisations for startups in this region. Years ago (2001!), before anyone even knew the word ‘startup’, some enterprising individuals realised that nothing would get created without the early-stage support traditionally provided by Angel investors.

Without the first US$50,000 (or so) investment, most startups never live long enough to pitch to VCs. BANSEA was created to bring together Southeast Asia’s Angel Investors and provide a community whereby they could meet, share advice and help build up a population of Angel Investors.

They also organise 10 to 12 events per year.

Vietnam — Topica

TOPICA Education Group is a leading provider of high-quality online university degrees in Vietnam, pioneer in E-learning technology.

Its key activities includes building a proprietary multimedia curriculum for over 100 courses, launching a national campaign to mobilise hundreds of managers and professionals to teach online and setting up learning centres in 64 provinces in Vietnam.

Topica has received endorsements from Bill Gates, Qualcomm CEO Paul E. Jacobs, US Trade Representative Susan Schwab, World Bank Vice President Devan Janamitra, Deputy PM Nguyen Thien Nhan and Deputy PM Pham Gia Khiem.

Also Read: Meet 27 of the investors participating in TOP100 2018

It also helps organise and support all major entrepreneurship communities in Vietnam.

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