The startups will go through a 12-week programme and pitch in front of judges at the annual Fintech Festival

As part of the run-up to the annual Fintech Festival, one of the biggest financial startup events of year, the Monetary Authority of Singapore announced the 30 finalists for its ‘Global FinTech Hackcelerator and FinTech Awards’

The startups were nominated in four categories:

  • Customer-Facing
  • Financial Inclusion
  • RegTech
  • General

After a 12-week programme and a demo day, up to 10 winners will be announced on November 16 at Singapore Expo.

So, let’s meet the companies!

ERNIT – Denmark

Callling itself the world’s first smart piggy bank, the product targets kids and uses a digital app to teach them skills like saving, setting goals and financial management. It is connected to a real bank account.

Moxtra – India

A collaboration platform that targets mobile and is built on the cloud. It wants to change how people deliver wealth management and digital customer services.

Paykey — Israel

A social payments company that embeds a payment button into the keyboard so people can send one another money over any social messaging platform.

Smartfolios — Singapore

Smartfolios builds unique investment solutions that fits the needs of brokers, banks, wealth managers and financial advisors. It mixes in-house finance experience with big data analytics.

Snapcheck — USA

A click-and-send payment system that allows people to write and send digital cheques. It can send the money either to their mobile banking account or software.

AID:Tech — UK

A blockchain-based company that wants to issue digital identities quickly and easily. The idea is to build a system to help the unbanked build a financial profile.

Alternative Circle — Kenya

A micro-lending mobile application, the company recently raised US$1.1 million to help its geographical services. It delivers loans, but also has a backend technology to track credit rating.

ConfirmU – Israel

An alternative credit scoring company, ConfirmU wants to help people with no financial history to build a credit history by using big data analytics.

ftcash – India

Mobile payments doesn’t have to be the domain of the smartphone. ftcash allows merchants to make payments via a feature phone (phones that can access the internet but lack the technology of a typical smartphone).

MyCash Online — Malaysia

MyCash Online is an e-marketplace for unbanked migrants in Asia. Using the mobile app, they can buy certain financial services without the use of a credit card.

Apiax – Switzerland

A compliance startup that takes the constantly changing regulatory environment and converts them into ‘rules’ that are easy to follow.

Dathena Science — Singapore

An AI-driven smart governance platform that uses data analytics to classify data, detect security flaws and protect sensitive information.

Solus Connect — Malaysia

A security company that provides one-factor, two-factor and multi-factor authentication solutions for enterprises. Clients can use both iOS and Android phones and eliminate the need for dongles.

Trunomi — USA

Trunomi provides customer consent and personal rights management tools in our data-centric world. It helps businesses receive customer consent when using their data.

VoxSmart — UK

The technology automatically captures and stores mobile communications across any mobile network and platform related to financial transactions. The goal is to protect companies from fraud.

Kyckr — Ireland

A tool for automating ‘know-your-customer’ checks (a necessity in the banking sector) to help make the process of understanding merchants more efficient.

Lingua Custodia — France

A translation company that wants to help financial companies use their liguistic data more efficiently to speed up communication and spend less energy on translations.

Privé Services — Hong Kong

A wealth and asset management platform that can automatically generate and execute securities across the world and in various asset classes.

Roameeo — Australia

A motor insurance startup that uses smartphones to help people find more affordable options based on ‘pay as you drive’ information derived from smartphones or blackboxes.

SQREEM — Singapore

An artificial intelligence company to find patterns and digital footprints across the internet. It wants to map out human behaviour based on the online data they provide.

Copyright: tktktk / 123RF Stock Photo

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