e27 has spent the last quarter building an airplane. Now it is time to see if this beauty can fly

Over the past 12 weeks, the e27 Content Team has been building an airplane. On Monday, we get to see if it can fly.

For years now, the blueprint has been sitting in the shed and occasionally we would have a look, but it never got beyond that. Everyone knew the idea was valuable, but various factors always got in the way.

Then, in Q3, we realised we had a perfect storm of circumstances to actually go about and build the thing.

First, with the exception of a wonderful new hire, the Content Team has been together as one unit for a long time — over three years, to be exact. At this point, we kind of understand everyone’s strengths and weaknesses.

We know how to pick up a team member’s slack when he/she is working on bigger projects, we understand how to shift internal workflows, and we can conflict without making it personal.

The time together is valuable because we have surfed so many waves that nobody freaks out when we hit valleys. More importantly, there is no arrogance at the top of the mountain.

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The second critical factor is our offline colleagues began a similar project. Obviously, it will look a little bit different, but the themes are the same. Their work is important for us because it provided the Content Team with a vision.

As someone who always catches hell for being too pragmatic (people are just too polite to call me jaded), I never really understood the importance of “vision”. It seemed like an ephemeral term that was not overly relevant beyond branding.

I was wrong.

Having a vision helped Content Team understand what we were trying to accomplish. It helped us understand the finish line.

When we began the process, we may not have fully understood what it would take to get to the destination, but, at least we knew where we were trying to go.

The destination was largely created by the offline portion of e27.

Now, the plane is basically built. It is sitting the hangar ready for the maiden voyage.

We are pretty sure this baby will fly but nobody can ever be 100 per cent certain until that first takeoff. I am sure we will hit some turbulence along the way, but turbulence isn’t so bad when the pilot has already warned the passengers.

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This quarter, our Writers have been forced to disrupt themselves. For any writer, it is frustrating to work hard for a full week in August and then have the Editor say, “Thanks for the awesome work! This will be great in October”. For that, I am an incredibly appreciative.

But, we all trust each other, and now that October is nearly here, the picture has come into view and we are all very excited to share it with the community.

Keep an eye out for a big announcement on Monday.

As always, we appreciate feedback because we cannot improve without your help.


e27 Content Team

Photo by Andrew Palmer on Unsplash

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