Imitation is indeed the best form of flattery

Low Lin Hui chilling at the Klis Fortress in Split, Croatia

Low Lin Hui chilling at the Klis Fortress in Split, Croatia

Low Lin Hui has only just graduated from NTU, majoring in Banking and Finance, and she has already caught the attention of CB Insights‘s CEO Anand Sanwal.

Her creative application to CB Insights imitated the style and look of the US-based tech market intelligence company’s newsletter. Check it out below (nothing has been edited):


Why in the world should I hire this girl

Hi there,

As commonly said (by me), your fans are your best employees. 


The art of trying to tell an employer how great you are while not being self-inflated is nearly lost. I’m trying:

  • Promising fresh undergraduate. Newly minted 3 weeks ago from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore with a Bachelors in Banking and Finance (discuss: banking is soulless, but trains your critical thinking skills). 
  • Startup sales experience. Worked at data-driven, high-growth startup   ShopBack in merchant acquisition. Realised how much driving two-way value excites me. Started ‘Shopcation’ movie sleepovers at work that made the news.
  • European VC and ‘AI’ background. Took a gap semester to intern in Berlin with Asgard Capital. Screened 400+ startups (99% bad), went through investment process for two deals from start to finish (writing both deal memos), did research for fundraising. Noticed startups think they can get funding by liberally sprinkling ’NLP’, ‘machine learning’, ’neural nets’ into their decks. My boss thinks I was useful.     

Not all heroes wear capes 

‘Savvy’ go-to tech person. Me to my extended family:

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A girl has the 4Hs

Happy. I’m happy to be alive at this point in human civilization where we are logical beasts that are recognizing the value of data-driven decisions.

Helpful. I think being helpful stems ultimately from being insanely curious all the time. There’s motivation to grow through the process of helping.

Humble. Is there cognitive dissonance in thinking you’re humble? Maybe that thought itself alleviates some of that.

Hungry. Fresh undergraduates tend to be (literally). Figuratively, I want to grow my skill set so badly I’m ripping off a newsletter to send in as a job application.

No CBrexit in sight

Deep-seated belief in long term goals, strong focus on the process, real love for the product and excellent team reviews on Glassdoor. Who wouldn’t want to work for a company like that? 

Providing data for companies that make important decisions across multiple industries is high impact if nothing else.

In CB Insights fashion, solid data points — revenue-funded for 5.75 years, 100%+ growth each year and most popular newsletter in tech industry.

Visas schmisas

Applying for a H1B visa for a non-US citizen can be a huge chore. Yet H1B1 visas, specifically for Singaporeans are a lot easier to make the quota for.

No  I-129 form needed. Application fee for the DS-160 form is only $190. Processing time is about 2-3 weeks.
Give me a shot?

I love you,


P.S. Hope you had a great holiday season!

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The Blurb

A curated mix of articles on what I’m reading and some ideas that drive me. 

The AI low-hanging fruit. Thomas Davenport (Only Humans Need Apply)  on how companies can immediately have quick gains from integrating low-end AI into their businesses.  

Mobility and the global refugee crisis. A podcast on how the tech community can focus on being an enabler in the refugee crisis and work to create solutions that are not just ‘solutionistic’ for its own sake, but to draw in perspectives that include the refugee population.  

Engagement beyond mobile apps. David Bailey (@davesuperman ) on leveraging interactive emails to re-engage with customers and pull away from native apps.

Your life is a picture, but you live in a pixel. Something that has influenced the way I try to spend my waking hours. 
Wait But Why

If you loved this application, let’s jump on a call
If you hated it, I’d be glad to have feedback.
Copyright © 2016 CB Information Services; I don’t mean any copyright infringement by this.


Response from Anand Sanwal, CB Insights’s CEO

The response from Sanwal was swift; it left such an impression he made a tweet about it. Check out his response below:

So who is Low Lin Hui, exactly?

Low’s journey in the dynamic world of tech began with an internship at ShopBack, where she focused on merchant acquisition.

“I got the autonomy to execute on projects with full-time responsibility. It was hard work but with a ton of great learning, especially from my boss Joel Leong. I sometimes joke that I learnt more in the 5 months that I was there than in the whole of my university life,” Low shared with e27.

Low described herself as a strong proponent of technology as a means to effect long-lasting changes in the world. Her areas of interest include AI tech such as real-time, machine-learned big data analysis, NLP, computer vision and drone swarming, and VR devices such as Google Daydream and Oculus Santa Cruz.

“I’ve been a scifi fan ever since I was a kid, and to me, technology is not just symptomatic of the future, it’s the catalyst of the future; it is the future itself. Being a part of it, no matter how tiny, is something that makes me excited to wake up and get to work every day, which is important given that we spend the majority of our lives at work.”

Armed with that vision, she sought internships in other tech-focused firms during a year-long gap semester and exchange programme in Berlin.

The first was with Data-as-a-Service (DaaS) startup, where she helped to execute cross-device advertising campaigns for customers — including geo-targeting, audience targeting

After about three months, she moved to Asgard, a VC firm that focusses on IoT and AI. In her role as an analyst, she focussed on deal screening, deck screening and fundraising. It was here she started reading CB Insights regularly.

And now, her passion for tech and enterprising mindset has helped get her foot in the door. She is now scheduled for an interview with CB Insights next week.

Here’s hoping her unconventional CV will translate into a job.


Image Credit: Low Lin Hui


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