Both Mumbai and Delhi will also launch programmes after the success of the pilot in Bangalore


Singapore is flush with accelerators. So much so that when another programme is launched, it is not necessarily newsworthy.

That being said, when certain companies bring their accelerator programme to this part of the world it is worth a mention. The US technology giant Oracle would fall into that category.

The company announced today a major international expansion of its Startup Cloud Accelerator programme, with Singapore, Dehli and Mumbai being the Asian cities to launch. Globally, the other cities are Bristol, Paris, Sao Paulo and Tel Aviv.

The accelerator’s pilot programme was launched in Bangalore in April, 2016.

The programme is six-months long and includes technical mentoring, a co-working space, access to the Oracle network and cloud credits. It is run by the company’s R&D team.

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Oracle is pitching itself as a global enterprise-tech company that has democratised its system to support startups, but also has the infrastructure to help them grow. For example, its ‘cloud‘ is actually more than 50 individual services that can be used and applied to companies of all shapes and sizes.

“Cloud is enabling incredible innovations across every aspect of business and across every industry. We want to support this next technology revolution powered by cloud,” said Oracle President of Product Development Thomas Kurian in a statement.

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Startup Cloud Accelerator is open to both early-stage technology (implying that the tech is being built without necessarily a focussed on business) and tech-enabled startups (companies that leverage existing technology for business).

The call for applications will occur later in 2017.

Copyright: josefkubes / 123RF Stock Photo

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