Missed out on Weiting Tan’s AMA last week? Fear not, here’s a summary to the rescue!


Last month, I moderated an AMA with Weiting Tan from Wantedly on Leadership. He shared his personal experience leading the Singapore Wantedly Team and his views on leadership and its challenges.

For those who missed out on the AMA, here’s the link to check out the video!

In the meantime, here are some key takeaways from the AMA that I personally had.

Radical Honesty : It is often difficult for individuals to voice out their concerns and opinions to their superiors. Leaders need to encourage radical honesty amongst their staff to ensure everyone is working towards a common goal and that small problems can be nipped in the bud early. By focusing on transparency, everyone benefits from the sharing of ideas and opinions.

Trust and alignment : Leaders need to allow people to have the freedom to experiment and work. It’s important to deploy empathy here to know the line between a reason and an excuse. By telling employees upfront about what you want to achieve and giving them the freedom to experiment, you empower them to make decisions to take your business to the level.

Boundaries : When interacting with employees, it’s always important to set clear boundaries. These boundaries depend on your personal preference but what matters most is enforcing them. Radical honesty comes in nicely here.


What other takeaways did you get from the AMA that we held? Leave a comment in the comment section below! 🙂


These are just some of the gems shared by Wei Ting during his AMA. He’ll be conducting another AMA in the last week of April. RSVP now!

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