Each plaintiff is demanding a compensation of US$440


527 Samsung Galaxy Note 7 users in South Korea have filed a class action suit against Samsung, according to a report by Bloomberg.

They are demanding a compensation of 500,000 won (US$440) for “time and effort lost” during the phone’s initial and subsequent scrapping due to numerous reports of the phone’s exploding battery problem.

Ko Young-yeel, an attorney for Seoul-based Harvest Law said that it took the firm only five days to gather this batch of disgruntled Galaxy Note 7 buyers. He also plans to file a class action lawsuit every month.

According Ko, the customers were forced to endure a laborious process, which involved bringing the phones to the stores to have the batteries checked out, downloading a programme that forced the batteries to be charged only to 60 per cent capacity, then return to the stores to have the phones recalled.

“It takes time to just reinstall all the applications and set up logins again,” Ko told Bloomberg, “Then, like a bolt from the blue, they say there is something wrong with the phones, again.”

Last Thursday, Samsung announced that Galaxy Note 7 users who exchanged their phones for the Galaxy S7 or S7 Edge would receive discounts on the new Galaxy Note 8 or S8 — both due to be released next year.

On October 12, the electronics giant cut its operating profit by US$2.3  billion after halting production of the Galaxy Note 7.

Image Credit: Samsung

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