The focus in this round is on B2B technologies

In slightly less than 2 years since it’s launch in January 2017, the Vietnam Innovation Startup Accelerator (VIISA) has graduated 22 startups over three programme batches, with notable alumni such as WeFit, UrBox, WisePass and CyHome. With a focus on Business-to-Business (B2B) technologies this time round, VIISA announced 3 startups to join its fourth and latest batch, which are slated to graduate on Investment Day in December 2018.

The startups are:

  1. SecurityBox: Offers optimal solutions to overcome all risks and problems of cybersecurity
  2. InnKom: An easy-to-use application that helps shoppers find perfect positions, specific brands, indoor navigation
  3. Goong: A mobile map platform helps you to quickly reach places, facilitates the process of going out as well as keeping track of your loved ones

“The global trend of startups currently shifts toward developing the B2B technologies. One of the challenges for B2B startups is that their users are familiar with behaving and working in traditional pattern and it is difficult for them to change. Therefore, B2B startups have to face more complicated issues and take more time to solve the pain points. It’s hard, but we are excited to work with our startups this batch for the next 3 months!” exclaimed Mr. Tran Huu Duc, CEO of VIISA and Director of FPT Ventures.

Consistent with the previous batches, the upcoming three-month programme in batch #4 will provide participating startups with a cash investment of US$15,000, plus an array of access that include:

  • Service partnerships with Amazon Web Services, HubSpot and Google Cloud,
  • Corporate partnerships with FPT and Dragon Capital.

In explaining their pedagogy and approach, Mr. Leo Pham, Program Manager of VIISA emphasized, “In creating this Accelerator program, we do not look to reinvent the wheel or teach the founders how to run their businesses. These founders are already some of the best experts in whichever industry they operate in. As an accelerator, we take it on ourselves to help them crystalize these skills and experiences into a solid investment pitch, with which they can successfully raise from both local and regional investors.”.

Also read: Watch the 7 graduates from the first VIISA accelerator batch pitch in Vietnam

Mr. Hieu Vo, CFO of VIISA and Associate Director of Dragon Capital, concludes by setting out the challenge for VIISA moving forward: “Vietnam has always possessed most of the required essentials for fast-growing startups including broad technical talent pool or plenty of resilient business founders. Through VIISA program, we hope we could build and address the need of a meaningful and trusted place to nurture startup team, grow the business!”.



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