Can mobility get any cooler than self-driving cars? We’re betting that it could.


Self-driving cars is global fascination, especially for people who grew up watching James Bond movies, Knight Rider, Total Recall (the old one), the Batman TV series….really, we could keep listing movies and t.v. shows that have featured a self-diving car or two for the whole day and probably not run out.

But if Hollywood is not enough evidence of human’s interest in self-driving cars, the fact that self-driving technology exists and is currently being tested should be proof enough. Someone made it happen, guys.

From animal-powered carriages meandering through rough paths to man’s fascination for barrelling through asphalt while strapped inside a two-tonne metal cage, technology has played a large role in changing the way we travel.

But, unlike before, we have more problems to contend with. If the problem of our ancestors was getting from point A to point B in a timely manner, we visualise the current generation’s problem like this: getting from Point A to point B by way of points C,D, and E, while carrying X number of people and/or cargo and navigating through a series of paths with varying levels of congestion. At a timely manner.

So, while self-driving cars are cool and we all want one, how does it fit in with our current situation? How can it be utilised for a greater positive impact? When does this technology factor in when talking about public transport? How does the future of mobility look like? What’s next after self-driving cars? Will this solve our traffic problems? Will this minimise road rage?

It opens up a lot of questions, doesn’t it?

Join Doug Parker, COO of nuTonomy, as he talks about self-driving cars and upcoming trends for mobility at Echelon Asia Summit 2017. nuTonomy is the leading developer of the software for self-driving vehicles founded by two world-renowned experts in robotics and intelligent vehicle technology.

The discussion on self-driving cars and the future of mobility will happen at the Future stage, accessible to all pass holders.

Echelon Asia Summit is a tech conference (June 28-29, Singapore) and year-long digital platform attracting international speakers, founders, investors and professionals.

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About Doug

mobilityDoug Parker is the COO of nuTonomy and is an experienced start-up and product development executive. Doug helped build the McKinsey & Company product development practice, including developing innovative methods to speed developments of complex products and guide them to the right market at the right price and at the right time. He applied these methods to a wide variety of hardware and software products in the automotive, aerospace, consumer, and medical device industries. Prior to McKinsey, Doug worked in a number of start-ups and smaller organizations developing products for hard to serve markets. Additionally, he has a deep passion for sustainable urban development and has worked and volunteered with Habitat for Humanity and other groups seeking to build better cities.


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Feature image credit: boarding1now / 123RF Stock Photo

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