Echelon Asia Summit 2019 winners

“Serendipity” is that moment when a series of events happen by chance to lead into a happy ending. The word was made popular, perhaps, by a romantic film by the same title that was released in the early 2000s.

As a startup founder looking to building a company, it is easy to expect moments like that to happen in your life. You bump into that well-known CEO of Fortune 500 company in an elevator, have a chit-chat, then the next thing you know, your startup manages to secure a partnership with them. Blissful.

But what if this moment never happens? Does this mean that the sweet happy ending can only exist in movies?

Fear not. This is where the 2020 TOP100 APAC comes in.

Also Read: How these two TOP100 alumni stand out among the crowd; one fresh funding at a time

As part of the annual Echelon Asia Summit, TOP100 is a curated programme designed to discover, showcase, and accelerate the next generation of up-and-coming startups.

The programme consists of qualifying rounds that are set to be held in six Southeast Asian cities in early 2020, followed by the Echelon Roadshow events.

One of the greatest benefits of taking part in TOP100 is the opportunity to connect with leading corporates — and possibly, start a partnership with them. The startups that manage to pass these rounds will be included in a matchmaking scheme that enables them to sit and discuss future partnerships together with these corporates.

In the past years, this initiative has led to a variety of transnational collaborations between startups and mega-corporations in various sectors. Take an example of ICMG, a corporate innovation accelerator providing a myriad of services for enterprises. At the Echelon Asia Summit 2019 held at Singapore Expo on May 23-24, the company sat down with eight startups that were carefully selected to consider future partnerships.

Also Read: Why your startup deserves to take part in the 2020 TOP100 APAC

This 2020, the exact same thing might just happen to your startup.

So what are you waiting for? Happy endings do not just happen. You can make it happen to your own startup by signing up to TOP100 today.

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