Turns out, it did not react

Wow does Donald trump have a knack for creating global media explosions. As if to remind the public that debates over healthcare and North Korea were mere fireworks, Trump fired FBI Director James Comey this week.

No matter your opinion on the subject, the man reminded everyone what a real controversy looks like.

As the news is outside of the e27 coverage circle, but still incredibly important. I decided to take a peak into how Silicon Valley tech icons reacted on Twitter.

I assumed I would begin the article by admitting the Silicon Valley is not a bastion for conservative thought and that the views expressed  would exemplify ‘liberal media’.

That is not even close to reality.

What I actually found was silence

Complete and utter silence.

Our best guesses would suggest Peter Thiel supports the firing and Mark Zuckerberg is furious. Yet these people, and most of the prominent figures in Silicon Valley, were completely silent.

In a hilariously-weird bit of tone deafness, Elon Musk spent the day explaining that he plans to name his futuristic tunnel boring project after poetry.

Might as well start with the Twitter-man himself, Jack Dorsey, who used his own platform to…retweet. Dorsey made his politics known by retweeting an Edward Snowden message that is getting passed around everywhere.

The most high-profile person to tweet about the politics was Reid Hoffman of LinkedIn fame, who went on an opinionated, but fairly tame, twitter rant.

The current man in charge of LinkedIn, Jeff Weiner, tweeted about his parent company Microsoft. (He was correct though, there was some great stuff in the pipeline).

As for Marc Benioff? Well……

Slack boss Stewart Butterfield, Chris Sacca of Lowercase Capital and Y Combinator’s Sam Altman were all fairly active (and left leaning). I put Butterfield’s tweet below because it made me laugh.

Silicon Valley giants like Sundar Pichai, Reed Hastings and Tim Cook were completely silent. Due to said silence, I decided to see if Doug Evans, Mr. Juicero himself, had something to say.

I was not disappointed.

So there you have it. In an exceptional political moment in exceptional times, the public reaction from top Silicon Valley brass was remarkably unexceptional.

Copyright: leirbagarc / 123RF Stock Photo

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