The incubator was launched in collaboration with Korean regulatory and clinical research provider C&R Healthcare Global (C&R)

Singapore VC Golden Equator has launched a healthtech-focussed incubator in a joint venture with Korean regulatory and clinical research provider C&R Healthcare Global (C&R).

The aim is to help 10 to 15 Korean healthtech startup grow their businesses in Singapore as well as other markets in Southeast Asia. C&R will curate the startups and provide financial support; while Golden Equator will provide them with access to business experts who would be able to help them commercialise and market their products.

“The healthcare industry in the Asia- Pacific region is a 500 billion-dollar market, one of the world’s fastest growing regions. Innovations in this area, notably new technologies such as artificial intelligence and data analytics, present unique investment opportunities,” said Shirley Crystal Chua, founder and CEO of Golden Equator, in an official press statement.

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“Supporting Korean firms to locate in and understand the market opportunities here in Singapore and across Southeast Asia demonstrates our capabilities in working with high potential founders, firms and innovations around funding and commercialisation.”

The incubator will be situated in at SPECTRUM’s business club in DUO Tower near Singapore’s central business district. The club connects investors, corporations, institutions, and startups to a wide network of members and partners both locally and globally.

“Singapore, as a gateway to the region, has the optimal conditions for Korean companies to bring their launch pads and further expand their business to the global market. As the bio-healthcare field can contribute to creating a new growth engine for both countries, taking this opportunity, I hope Korea and Singapore can strengthen our cooperation,” said Lee Sangdeok, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Singapore, in an official press statement.

Image Credit: everythingpossible / 123RF Stock Photo

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