Go in with a clear goal and strategy to optimise your reach


The relevance of the content is an essential factor to attract, maintain and retain your subscribers on social networks. Your editorial strategy must be carefully considered to offer varied, exclusive content, optimised and sought after by your leads.

However, it is not always easy to find the perfect editorial line the first time. Audits and analyzes are needed to detect strengths … and errors.

The goal? Correct quickly these mistakes to optimize your social media strategy!

To help you see more clearly on your community management, here are 5 strategic mistakes regularly made … and how to fix them!

Mistake # 1: Not having a social media strategy

Create your social media strategy that allows you to set goals and write a roadmap to achieve them. At any moment, you will be able to analyze the indicators relating to your objectives and take the necessary measures to achieve them.

Having a plan also allows you to audit your content to set up an editorial line. If you have no strategy, this is the first mistake to fix!

Mistake #2: Focus on a single social network

72% of consumers interact with their favourite brands and businesses via multiple channels. Avoid concentrating your strategy on a single social network: your prospects and customers are necessarily on multiple platforms.

To find out where your target is going to “socialize”, a small survey is needed with your existing leads. Study also your competitors: on which social networks do they communicate?

The results of this survey will be used to select the best channels to establish a successful cross-channel strategy.

Mistake #3: Publish the same content, anywhere

Being present on several social networks does not mean that you have to publish the same thing everywhere. Each platform has its own specificities, codes and audience. They are each of particular interest to the consumer, who uses them differently.

Facebook allows especially to be entertained, Twitter to inquire, Instagram to dream, Linkedin to build your professional network …

Do you want to create commitment? Adapt your contents, your formats and even your publication frequencies to each social network.

Mistake #4: Spammer

Yes, freshness and moderation, please!

Adding value to your readers is more important than publishing every day, every hour.

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Nurture your relationship with your subscribers with news content, images, interesting and worked articles. Better to post nothing for 1 or 2 days and come back with top quality content, than to publish any uninteresting updates.

Mistake #5: Ignoring comments

Reassure your subscribers with insurance. As much as a positive comment reinvigorates your brand, as much a negative remark can be an opportunity to strengthen your credibility. In both cases, notices should never be ignored.

Calmness and politeness are therefore in order to give a calm response to the dissatisfied customer. Enthusiasm and recognition respond to a positive comment.

Finally, whenever possible, invite dissatisfied customers to continue their conversation privately. It is not worth spreading the problem to your publications.

Never forget the social dimension of your community management. Your strategy is adorned with methods to dialogue with your prospects and your customers, to promote your brand very subtly.

Be helpful, close and available, and your presence on social networks will serve your brand!

Image Credit: rawpixel / 123RF Stock Photo

Editor’s note: e27 publishes relevant guest contributions from the community. Share your honest opinions and expert knowledge by submitting your content here.

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