STUST will hold a series of events to help support the startups in the southern part of the country.

anchorup southbound summit

Taiwan. The home of Asian Silicon Valley, the 7th largest economy in Asia, and the leading supplier of the world’ computing-related hardware. It seems that Taiwan is heading to be the next innovation hub in the region. However, most of the resources as allocated in the northern part of Taiwan.

Also read: Taiwan can be the next innovation hub in Asia, with deep tech as its main driving force

The Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (STUST), one of the leading incubators and pre-accelerators in the country, is looking to help the startups in the southern part of the country by holding ANCHORUP.

ANCHORUP is a series of events and programmes focussing on IoT, hardware, AgriTech, Bioenergy, and ICT, that aims to provide an online and offline platform for Asia’s startups to exchange, share, and facilitate resources.


ANCHORUP Forum 2017

The ANCHORUP Forum 2017 is the first of the planned regional roadshow. It aims to connect investors, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders in a meetup that includes investor workshops, fireside chats, networking, and startup pitching.

This year’s ANCHORUP Forum will be held at the Southern Taiwan-SME Incubator At Tainan (SIAT) Science Park and will feature a Unicorn panel, an Investment panel, startup demo and VC “speed-dating.”

ANCHORUP Forum 2017 will be on November 5-8, 2017.


ANCHORUP Southbound Summit 2018

In March 2018, the culminating event of the ANCHORUP series will be the ANCHORUP Southbound Summit. Startups, investors, and industry leaders will come together in a two-day conference designed to allow them to share insights and create connections.

Industry leaders and experts will take to the stage to share their insights about current trends and emerging technologies in IoT, agritech, bioenergy, and ICT. Access to different markets will also be presented and discussed.

Also read: Taiwan Turnaround: An Asian Tiger catching up in the internet sector

The Summit will also be the final stage for the Pitch, a startup competition wherein selected startups will undergo a bootcamp and mentoring sessions leading up to the pitching competition in a yacht. In the pitch competition, startups will get the chance to showcase their products and services to the community with the goal of facilitating investment, partnership, or development opportunities with local tech corporations and IPO companies.

Pitch competition will officially begin accepting applications for its programme in December 1, 2017 until February 1, 2018. Startups interested to join the pitch can send in their applications here.


International Startup Project (ISP)

The International Startup Project (ISP) is STUST’s first international pre-accelerator programme, with the goal of building an online database of startups across Asia.

But more than just a database, it also acts as a platform for startups to be connected with other ecosystem players in the region for mutual investment and development opportunities.

Startups registering to any ANCHORUP event will automatically be added to the ISP database. Promising startups will also be selected from ANCHORUP Forum and ANCHORUP Summit to undergo the programme and receive support and mentoring from ISP and its network of industry experts.

Startups and key stakeholders are all invited to join ANCHORUP. With the ANCHORUP series of events, STUST aims to support startups and accelerate the growth in southern Taiwan’s startup community.

Interested to join pitching in a yacht and expand into Taiwan market? Send in your applications here beginning December 1, 2017.

The Innovation Incubator of Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology (STUST) was established in 1997 to assist the Taiwanese government in driving innovation and entrepreneurship toward Asia Silicon Valley. This year, STUST launches the International Startup Project (ISP), the first pre-accelerator programme to attract international startups to incubate and expand into Taiwan market. STUST won 1st place at Taiwan in the 2016 InBIA’s International Uni-Incubator Ranking.

Disclosure: e27 is a partner of the ANCHORUP Southbound Summit 2018.

Featured image credit: tomwang / 123RF Stock Photo

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