Missed out on David Fallarme’s AMA last week? Fear not, here’s a summary to the rescue!

Last month’s AMA saw David Fallarme cover the importance of the customer profile in deciding the marketing strategy of a business.

Without knowing your customer profile(s), you cannot build an effective inbound and content marketing strategy. To hear David explain this in greater details, click here!

Here are some key takeaways we got from this AMA

  1. SPA Framework: The SPA framework is a means of deciding which customer profile to prioritize. There are three factors involved –  size (s) and ability to pay(p) of the demographic and the amount of access(a) you have to this demographic.
  2. Inbound Marketing and Content Marketing: All Marketers must have a clear idea of what they want to get out of each marketing campaign. They should have a hypothesis, an experiment designed to test the hypothesis and metrics used to make a final conclusion. This will help them decide on metrics to track and marketing strategy to take. He shared his experience with ReferalCandy where they tracked referral traffic and Google traffic due to their strong emphasis on an inbound strategy.

These are just some of the gems shared by David during his AMA. He’ll be conducting another AMA in the last week of April! RSVP here!


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