I believe that startup founders are humanity’s greatest opportunity to solve the world’s most intractable problems

Editor’s note: This guest contribution is published as-is, save for some edits for headline and formatting consistency.

So far I’ve got the first two sorted. I will provide an update once I solve the third. If you know of anyone who can help me get dragons please send them my way.

For now I want to give you money and power so that you can solve hard problems. I believe that startup founders are humanity’s greatest opportunity to solve the world’s most intractable problems.  muru-D can help you do this faster.

As a fellow startup founder I’m reaching out to ask you to consider applying to our global accelerator program which I firmly believe is the best in Southeast Asia. I understand you have a lot of options but here’s my pitch for muru-D:

  • Our alumni startups have an incredible track record of fundraising and growth.  Our first cohort raised over S$3 million within 12 months of graduating from the program. Over 90% of the startups that have gone through our programs (We have 5 locations) are still going. We enable great founders to maximize their potential. WE WILL GET YOU IN FRONT OF THE BEST INVESTORS IN THE REGION and we will teach you how to engage with them to maximize your chances of efficient fundraising success.
  • We have the most founder-friendly investment terms in the region. We invest S$75k cash upfront through an uncapped SAFE note. That means we don’t take equity up front and your startup will usually receive a higher valuation when compared to other programs. The SAFE is really simple and easy to understand. I am happy to send it to you for review.
  • We have the best network of investors, mentors/advisors and business development contacts. With over 500 members the muru-D network is the most comprehensive relationship-building machine for startups in the region. We’ll get you in front of Angels, VCs, Corporates and skill-set specialists catered to your own needs from partners like IDEO, AWS, McCann, BCG, Sequoia, 500 startups, and of course Telstra and Telstra customers.
  • Silicon Valley trip. We take each cohort to Silicon Valley where we have a full-time staff member on the ground. You will attend meetings with luminary VCs and Angels, have pitch competitions with other programs in the Valley, and meet with well-known entrepreneurs and investors in SF and beyond. Each and every one of our founders have said that this trip changes their whole perspective on what it means to be a startup founder.
  • We have the best network. muru-D has 5 programs and has been going for 4 years. That means almost 100 startup alumni with a huge global network to draw from. Almost any startup business model will have some overlap with another team of ours who can help you with knowledge and intros. We will accelerate 50+ more startups this year. The network is growing; there are BIG network effects that are growing quickly; all to your benefit.

Also read: Telstra-backed accelerator muru-D Singapore is making fundraising simple for startups

Applications for our Singapore program’s 3rd cohort close on 6 August. I hope you’ll strongly consider applying at www.muru-d.com/apply.

So what is muru-D looking for? In a nutshell:

  • Tech Startups. You must be engaged in a scalable technology-driven business. This could be B2B SaaS, fintech, spacetech, medtech, biotech, VR/AR, wearables, or other software/hardware applications.
  • Traction. Your startup should have some sort of traction: revenue/users.
  • Team/Skills. Your team should include all the requisite skillsets needed to execute your business model successfully. This usually means at least one tech person and one CEO.
  • Coachable. You must be very open to receiving advice and learning from mentors and muru-D staff. If you want to get it done all on your own then this program is not for you.
  • Hustlers. You don’t quit when things get difficult. You keep “knocking on doors” to get the sale. You are high energy and charismatic. You make people believe in your vision.
  • Visionaries. You aren’t just in it for a lifestyle business, but your company can go regional or even global. You have big ambitions to change your industry and maybe the world.
  • Cool/Good. You are a good and moral person. You like to give as much as you get and will add lots of positivity to the program.

Is this you? Apply here: https://muru-d.com/apply/global/

muru-D does not have a vertical focus. We take teams that are solving BIG tech problems. Our cohorts are comprised of startups at different levels of maturity. Applicants may have bootstrapped, raised Angel funds, or even Seed/Series A prior to entering the program. Startups may be generating $1k/month or $100k/month when they start the program.

We are in the middle of our roadshow. Try to join one of our sessions.

Here’s my followup to our “founder-friendly” Echelon panel.

Here’s an alumni video (made by alumni):


Dragons coming soon…

muru-D is the global startup accelerator program backed by Telstra.


The views expressed here are of the author’s, and e27 may not necessarily subscribe to them. e27 invites members from Asia’s tech industry and startup community to share their honest opinions and expert knowledge with our readers. If you are interested in sharing your point of view, submit your post here.

Featured Image Credit: Copyright: eugenesergeev / 123RF Stock Photo

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