Mindset in a startup is of critical importance, and what makes even more important is the agility to scale up and work on a sustainable business model

Multitasking is the name of the game when it comes to an Intrapreneur setup. When an individual works as a part of large project or organization, there are different teams with dedicated responsibility. As an intrapreneur the individual is expected to handle these responsibilities by wearing multiple hats, sometimes as strategist, as salesperson, as product manager, etc.

This can happen only when the individual has the tenacity to explore multiple topics. This mindset can sometime be difficult for an individual to exhibit after working in large organization.

Be it inside or outside a Big Organization, ensuring you are in sync with the sponsor’s expectation forms a critical part. Sometime these expectations can be in line with the existing values of the organization, but not necessarily with the startup values. This can cause some amount of friction in adopting new business model. And there might be various other operational issues that might hamper the agility of the team, which is crucial in an Intraprenuer setup.

Also read: Organisational design challenges: How you can ensure a climate conducive to business growth

Building the dream product. There is always that urge to build the dream product and the necessity to build the market acceptable product which has to be balanced to prevent burnout. The intraprenuer has to identify the right MVP for your Beach Head customer segment.

Deciding when to expand. Regarding the decision to expand a team, how may pilots to do to prove a concept especially for new cutting edge technologies and the pace at with solution engineering can take place — these are the real world challenges any startup would face.

Having the right mindset. The mindset to be aggressive on all fronts and sustain the pressure of expectations and comparisons are critical.

Everybody is expecting you to be the next Google or the Apple! Working on your strengths is very important.

Finding the right timing. Pacing with the market especially where M&A’s and investments happen @ lightning speed and can disrupt the business model that needs to be pursued — this holds the key.

Learning to say no. The agility in taking those hard decisions in saying “No” to the product lines that might not be viable — this will help you stay relevant to current market. This can also be a measure of your success. In the end, the ability to move past your Beach Head customer and scale it up to mainstream customers defines this success.

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Finding sustainability and relevance. The biggest focus of startups should not only be on the proof of concepts or pilots. It should also be to look at the scalability and reliability aspects of the solution. The sustainability of the solution in real time scenarios, quick remote diagnostic capability, and easy configurability/usability of the solution form a critical aspect for any business to accept any offerings.


This article is co-authored by Pavan Govindan, Hemanth Sheelvant, and Ragavendra Prabhakar. The three are part of Bezirk, a Bosch Startup which is an Intrapreneural venture of Bosch Global.

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