How does China’s OnePlus 6 phone stack up? Can it top Apple while staying under the US$600 price line?

The article TechNode reviews the OnePlus 6 was written by Cassidy McDonald for TechNode.

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For OnePlus, one is enough.

The company, founded in Shenzhen in 2013, tends to introduce only one new model each year. This year, they’ve tasked that phone — the OnePlus 6 — with the near impossible: compete with the iPhone X on style, compete with the Galaxy S9 on performance, remain number one in India’s premium phone market — and do it all for less than US$600.

Also Read: How to leverage data to build a compelling story

Does this cost-conscious premium phone live up to expectations? John Artman reviews.

The article TechNode reviews the OnePlus 6 first appeared on TechNode.

The post TechNode reviews the OnePlus 6 appeared first on e27.