The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) reportedly passed the bills to fulfill the mission of digital government


A total of six bills in the digital sector were passed in Thailand during the National Legislative Assembly’s second round, as reported by OpenGov Asia. The Minister of Digital Economy and Society confirms the news.

The bills are The Electronics Transaction Organisation Restructuring bill, the Data Protection bill, the Cybersecurity bill, the Digital Economy and Society Council bill, the Digital ID bill, and Electronics Transaction Officer bill.

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These bills are driven by the government to drive the effort for Thailand 4.0, or the “digital government” movement. The bills are expected to help to monitor processes of required internet infrastructure, including government Big Data, a data centre, cloud services, and one-stop platforms.

Aside from infrastructure support, the bills are also a way to reduce the investment duplication among governmental organisations in Big Data, security and data protection. The bills ultimately will result in the creation of a Central Data Centre for the government.

One of the bills is the Data Protection bill that could become Thailand’s first personal data protection act. It seeks to regulate both data controllers and data processors, whether they are in Thailand or not, who collect, use or disclose Personal Data collected from individuals in Thailand regardless citizenship, making all organisations subject to it.

With this bill, all companies doing business in Thailand or handling the data of Thai citizens will need to reconsider their policies and procedures for handling personal data in accordance with the new law, if passed.

As for the already-approved Digital Economy and Society Council, it puts the council to work with the Thai government to ensure social equality through digital technology. Thus, the council members will include representatives from companies in the digital-business sector, as well as from companies using digital products.

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The other one is the Digital ID bill, which is now in its test phase to be a new feature for mobile banking.

Since 2016, the Thai government has been all about Thailand 4.0 initiative with its Digital Thailand plan. The country’s really set on pulling out the country out of the middle-income status to make a tech-based, value economy government.

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