Streamline the time-consuming aspects of digital marketing and give your startup a head start with these social media tools


Social media levels the playing field in the business world, so to speak. It allows small startups with very little brand equity to compete with industry titans who have years of experience. However, in order to efficiently use social media, it’s necessary for startups to create a plan and leverage the right tools.

Give theses five tools a try


The rise of independent social media tools has been one of the greatest developments in the digital marketing space over the past decade. These tools give even the smallest businesses and startups the opportunity to tap into highly functional resources that would otherwise only have previously been available to large organisations with big budgets and heavily staffed teams. However, there is a downside to having so many choices available. If you aren’t careful, you could select the wrong tools for your needs.

As the proud owner of a startup who is looking to give your business the best chance at success, you want to focus your time and energy on social media marketing, automation, and monitoring tools. Having said that, the following tools are in a class of their own. Check them out and consider whether they could have value for you.

1. Postcron
One of the more palpable pain points you have is the inability to be everywhere you want. When you’re running a business, you can multitask, but you can’t devote the right amount of energy to all of the things that matter over the course of a day. Sadly, this often leads to neglect of social media. With Postcron, this is no longer an issue.

Postcron allows you to schedule posts on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, Instagram, and more – all from a single place. One of the best features is the ability to schedule posts on Facebook Events ahead of time, which allows you to focus your energy on the event itself – not the social marketing.

If you’ve never used IFTTT – which stands for If This, Then That – you’re really missing out. This is one of the coolest tools available right now, simply because it has unlimited potential. With IFTTT, you can sync hundreds of different apps and tasks on your devices to save time and maximise your available resources. You can check out some of the coolest IFTTT uses here.

Also Read: Social Media Intelligence for Start-Ups and SMEs

3. Brandwatch
You need to know what’s going on around you, but it’s unrealistic to manually search your brand’s name on Google, Twitter, and other search engines and social media sites just to see what people are saying. Brandwatch makes this process a breeze by automating this challenge.

Brandwatch continuously monitors and collects data from more than 80 million sources – including blogs, forums, news sites, review sites, and social media platforms – and delivers you a visually pleasing report of how your brand is being covered and discussed online.

4. Keyhole
Keyhole does a lot of the basic things that most social media monitoring tools do, but it also has a number of capabilities that set it apart. For example, because the platform tracks URLs, keywords, hashtags, and Twitter usernames in real-time, it allows you to clearly understand your brand’s presence and make strategic decisions that matter in the moment. It’s a refreshing improvement over tools that only give you last week’s takeaways.

5. Zapier
Zapier is another highly useful tool that links different web apps together for more effective multitasking. Once your apps are connected on the platform, Zappier allows you to create workflows between them. These are known as Zaps and they automatically finish certain routine tasks when specific actions are taken.

Zapier is the perfect solution for businesses that have lots of fragmented apps, software, and tools. The best part about it is that you don’t need any coding knowledge or skills to build automated processes. The platform handles everything for you and the only limitation is your creativity. Check out some of the ideas yourself.

Give your startup a head start

There’s something to be said for being proactive and making an investment in tools and technologies. And while there’s more to social media than automating and monitoring, being able to streamline the time-consuming aspects of digital marketing frees you up to focus your time and energy on the finer details that ultimately affect how well you’re able to engage your audience.

The tools outlined in this article have proven to be helpful for countless startups and companies in the past. As you continue to hone your social media strategy, consider if they have a role in your growth moving forward. You’d be surprised by how much they can help.

Image Credit: scyther5 / 123RF Stock Photo

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