The company allowed people to draft and sign ‘mini-contract’s via the blockchain


The article The first WeChat blockchain mini-app just got suspended one day after launch was written by Nicole Jao for TechNode

Tencent’s WeChat has ordered the suspension of Xiao Xieyi (小协议) or “Mini Contract”, the first-ever blockchain mini-program on the messaging platform, local media is reporting.

Screenshot of Xiao Xieyi mini-program

Xiao Xieyi, launched this May 8, is a third-party blockchain mini-program that drafts contract agreements for app users. The app was reportedly suspended on Wednesday evening, and again shortly after it was made available on Thursday.

The app released an official statement that reads: “Xiao Xieyi has been suspended due to a violation of the service. We apologize, the content of the program has been suspended due to the fact that the content is not authorized on the platform.”

Xiao Xieyi was touted as WeChat’s one and only mini program based on ID and blockchain technologies, capable of initiating tamper-proof contracts in under 3 minutes. How the mini-program worked was simple:

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WeChat user fills in the title and terms of the contract, choose whether to encrypt the agreement and pay the RMB3 (US$0.47) service fee. The app uses WeChat ID and session key to validate user’s identity, thereby eliminating the need for signatures.

Screenshot of Xiao Xieyi has been temporarily suspended by WeChat.

In response to the rumored ban, founder of Xiao Xieyi’s app developer Wang Dengke told Securities Daily that the app was suspended, not removed, because “[WeChat] mini-programs are not allowed to have the encryption feature.”

Wang added that “We need to modify the code, if everything goes as planned, the app should be back on within two days.”

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The mini program was still not available at the time of publishing. Wang said, however, that even though Xiao Xieyi’s services have been suspended, the existing contracts would still be valid and live permanently on the —

The article The first WeChat blockchain mini-app just got suspended one day after launch first appeared on TechNode.

Copyright: dimarik16 / 123RF Stock Photo

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