Believe me, most people wouldn’t have guessed it


It’s that time of the year again where the all-seeing eye, Google, reveals its top searches in Singapore.

There are some surprising entries in 2017 — definitely some that many e27 readers would not even be aware of (either that or I’ve been living under a huge boulder).

Anyway, Google has been kind enough to break down the top searches into a few categories, so let’s take a look at some of them.

The top search is pretty unexpected

Ok, I’ll get right into it. The top Google trending search in Singapore in 2017 is… *drum roll* … sgpokemap?

I know what you are thinking: “What the heck is that?”

Well, you probably know of the AR mobile game Pokémon Go, which took the world by storm last year. Fans of the game congregated in the oddest places — secluded housing estates, car parks, street walk — just to get a chance to catch a rare Pokémon; whole generations of families were playing together. It was pandemonium!

Anyway, although the game was a huge success initially, the fever began to die down as early as late last year.

But its developer, Niantic, not one to abandon its cash cow, continued to roll out software updates long after most mainstream media stopped covering it.

Thus, its loyal fanbase stayed on, supporting the game through its different iterations, and this gave rise to a few third-party apps, one of which is sgpokemap.

sgpokemap is a website that provides the locations of Pokémons across Singapore. It also displays the statistics of each Pokémon on the map (did you know that their statistics change according to the weather?).

No doubt, Niantic would be pleased to find such an ardent fanbase residing in Singapore.

The usual suspects

Apple dominated the searches in two categories (sorry, Android). In the top trending search category after sgpokemap, the iPhone X and iPhone came in 2nd and 3rd respectively. The two flagship phones also occupied the top two entries in the trending gadgets category; Samsung Note 8 and Razer Phone came in at 3rd and 4th respectively.

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Next, Wonder Woman beat her entire crew in the top trending search category, coming at 4th while Justice League came in at 8th. Her film also emerged as the top searched result in the trending movies category (Justice League came in at 3rd).

Clearly, Wonder Woman should be the leader of the Justice League; time to hang up the mask and suit, Batman.

Singaporeans’ international interests

I had no idea Singaporeans were such big fans of tennis, because Wimbledon — the most prestigious tennis tournament on the planet — was the top searched result in the international news category.

It looks like Singaporeans are pretty concerned about Kim Jong-un and his threat to launch nuclear missiles, because North Korea came in at second. It may also have something to do with him assassinating his brother in Malaysia. Not cool, Mr Kim.

Next on the list is Linkin Park’s lead singer Chester Bennington, the voice of many millennials’ (me included) teenage angst, tragically committed suicide. It is heartening to so many Singaporeans connect with his life and work.

Dankest meme

Here is Singapore’s favourite meme in 2017:


It’s called the “Mocking Spongebob” meme. Netizens use it to mock another person’s statement. Here’s an example of how to use it:

Mom: Jeremy, if you don’t study, you will end up with a lowly-paid job.

Jeremy: jEreMy, iF yOu DoN’t STudy, YOu wilL eND uP wItH a LOwlY-pAiD joB.

For the full list of top searches, click here.

Image Credit: antbphotos / 123RF Stock Photo

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