There will always be competition and the need to stand out amongst the sea of advertisements

Before we go into the details of how you can craft your own unifying and compelling message, I am going to share with you something you have probably heard and read many times.

Presently, buyers are constantly bombarded by online and offline advertisements and marketing outreach. Your company need to stand out from the crowd or else you will end up wasting your marketing dollars.

Yes … it’s an overused statement, but it’s also a painful truth. As long as buyers continue to consume and companies continue to sell, there will always be competition and the need to stand out amongst the sea of advertisements.

Because of this, it is important to ask yourself “How can I stand out with my campaign?”

Different business owners and marketers will have their individual opinions on this question, but the solution that has worked for me is to create a marketing message that draw upon the 3 “C”s.

The first “C” is customers

The focus of every marketing message is always the customer as they are the ones buying from you. If your message does not appeal to them, who would buy from you? Will potential customers notice or remember your marketing message if you do not address them well enough?

It is important to understand your buyer persona so that you can craft a tailored marketing message to address their pain and pleasure points.

The second “C” is company

There is no point in promoting a marketing message that your company is unable to deliver.

By considering your company’s capabilities, you are placing your company in a better position to deliver the promised value your prospects expect.

On a side note, I would like to point out that while your competitors may be offering similar products or services, it is possible to offer a different value to your customers.

Also read: Try these foolproof marketing strategies to differentiate your business

If you can understand the capabilities of your company, you will be able to identify the unique value that you are bringing to your customers. This unique value is what sets you apart and makes you stand out from your competitors.

So when you create a campaign, ask yourself:

  • What are your company’s capabilities?
  • What can you offer to your buyer persona that they can 
not do themselves?
  • What does your buyer persona value about your product 
or service?

Do note that each buyer persona has different concerns and capabilities that shape their perception of your company’s value. Ask yourself what are the specific values that a specific buyer persona would expect from and/or appreciates about you.

The last “C” is competitors

There is a famous quote by Sun Tze, a Chinese General and Military Strategist from ancient China:

“Know your enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster.”

I just mentioned the importance of understanding your company, but it is also important to understand your “enemy”, or to better phrase it, your competitors, to win the marketing battle. 
“But… I don’t have any competition in my business?”


Any business that eats up your market share is your competitor.

You may not be offering the exact same product or service, but as long as your product or service offers a similar value to the same pool of prospects, they are your competitors.

For example, if you are the only one offering the sale of plots on the Moon. It may seem like you have no competition. But if an investor were to only have $5 Million spare cash for investing, he will consider between your plots of the Moon against other form of investments that can generate him an income.

There is a big chance that other investment sources are going to dilute your share of revenue from the client.

Thus, you need to know who your competitors are, and find out what their marketing message is. Aim to make your message stand out from theirs.

You see, if you have 10 companies with the same marketing message, you are going to be forgettable. But if you are the only company with a unique marketing message, you will be able to create distinction – a trait that will give you the upper hand against your competitors.

Apart from differentiating your company through your marketing message, you can also find out:

  • What your competitors are not doing and exploit the gaps
  • What your competitors are doing well in

Taking these step-by-step actions helps to ensure your company remains competitive and noteworthy. These tips are not limited to your marketing message; they can also be applied to product development, a new service model, or any other marketing campaign.


This extract is from “Take Control of Your Sales Now!” by Norman Yeo. He is an international speaker, author, marketing strategist and General Manager of Tangy Lab Group Pte ltd. The book will be launched in Popular and Kinokuniya bookstores starting from November.

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