It’s like having a piece of the international space station right in your own home

NASA tech air purifier

How’d you feel if you can use space technology in your home? Not just any space technology but a technology that NASA has been using in its International Space Station. This seems to be too much, right?

VentiFresh is an odour eliminator that’s developed by Conary Enterprises. It is not any ordinary odour eliminator but it uses space technology to convert odours into clean air. In fact, it makes air breathable.

The idea

So the idea behind the creation of VentiFresh was to come up with an innovative, high-tech, eco-friendly, and health-friendly odour eliminator. The founder, Jerry Lin, wanted to create something high-tech that will solve an everyday problem for users.

The idea for the VentiFresh was derived from technology that NASA has been using in its ISS for years. It works on the basis of the UV Photocatalysis process, which is the reversal of photosynthesis. It decomposes organic elements and converts them into carbon dioxide and vapours.

This process needs a catalyst. Naturally, UV rays are used as a catalyst since a powerful light source is required for the Photocatalysis.

VentiFresh uses LED semiconductors as a light source. LEDs generate light for the process to take place at a smaller scale.

How it works

VentiFresh decomposes the volatile organic compounds that create odours. It doesn’t filter the air but it removes the odour and converts it into breathable air.

It is chemical-free, eco-friendly, easy-to-use, energy efficient, and has no maintenance cost. It is a portable device that has to be placed in a bin or near odour source. It is powered by a USB charger having consumption capacity of no more than 3 Watts per hour.

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You just have to place the VentiFresh in your room or cupboard or anywhere, sit back, and enjoy odourless clean air.

Nothing fancy here.

As for funding, the company has raised over US$16,000 by 155 backers on Indiegogo. Production will begin in early 2017.

What’s the future

VentiFresh is just the starting point — a beginning of a new era, so to speak.

Think of several other ways of using UV Photocatalysis with LEDs at a small scale in our homes. The process can be used to sterilise water and to decompose pretty much all types of organic substances.

Think of recycling.

Or maybe, decomposing any other substance.

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According to Jerry Lin, founder of VentiFresh:

“Our team has been working with LED lighting applications for more than 10 years. We have diversified innovative industrial materials and devices. With our knowledge and experience, we wanted to use our high-tech know how to solve basic everyday issues.”

Let’s wait and see how this technology evolves in future.


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Image Credits: VentiFresh

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