It also offers a replacement phone during the repair and an after-service warranty

India Smartphone Final

Smartphones break. A lot.

And finding a place to fix the phone can be difficult (the slight irony in Asia is that most of the best places to repair a phone are mom and pop shops with no Internet presence)., a Delhi-based company wants to solve this pain-point by on-boarding 10,000 smartphone services onto its platform by implementing an on-demand repair strategy.

Today the startup announced it has raised a US$500,000 funding in a round from a host of angel investors, who are listed as follows:

  • Krishnakumar Natarajan, Executive Chairman of Mindtree
  • Sandeep Mathur, Former Managing Director of Oracle India
  • Vikas Tandon, Former Managing Director of Indigo Consulting
  • Aneesh Reddy, CEO of Capillary Technologies

“The investors at LetsVenture have also shown great faith in our model. Vikas Tandon and Aneesh Reddy have been associated with us since our seed round and this round too, is led by Vikas, demonstrating the fact that they see continued potential in our operations and business model,” said Co-founder Ajit Panigrahi in an official statement.

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The rounding was oversubscribed by 1.5 times. The money will be used for the company to penetrate further into its current markets and improve its tech infrastructure.

Started in mid-2014 and launched in 2015, the company provides free pick-up and drop-off service, takes the phone to one of India’s many repair services, and returns it with the press of a button. offers a temporary phone during the — at most — 48 hour repair time and an after service warranty.

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The startup also has a B2B revenue stream, acting as a partner with Ola, Uber, Swiggy and Qualcomm for their smartphone repair needs.

It offers its services throughout India via 3PL, a logistics company.

Copyright: szefei / 123RF Stock Photo

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