Magento 1 was awesome, but the success of Magento 2 proves why startups are always talking about constant reiteration


When Magento officially announced the release of the second version of what has become to be the world’s preferred developer platform in the ecommerce game, it was a sweet treat for ecommerce retailers.

When Magento 2.0 was released in both Enterprise and Community Editions, boy, that was icing on the cake.

Wait, but why a new version? Wasn’t Magento 1 good enough?

Yes and No.

The sophistication in Magento was an obvious choice for small ecommerce stores handling minimal sales. However, there were evident drawbacks which made things difficult for large online stores.

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Drawbacks that underpinned Magento 1 included:

  • Magento 1 was not written on Zend framework which undermined its swift processing speeds
  • The basic customizations were easy, however, advanced customizations were beyond the expertise of novices.
  • Magento users suffered terribly from being unable to share it freely. Sharing of the platform required investing in additional semi-dedicated VPS server at a hefty price.
  • Compared to BigCommerce, Magento ate too much system space and memory.

How does Magento 2 differentiate itself from its predecessor?

Magento 2 was released with an intent to empower brands and ecommerce retailers with more features to deliver promising omni channel shopping experiences.

Furthermore, the second coming of Magento was also set to negate its previous shortcomings that often surfaced in the Magento community. Magento continues to be hosted on its open-source legacy offering improved flexibility for programmers and Magento integration providers.

Magento 2 and its bag of goodie features

Magento 2 is bundled with amazing features for both customers and admins:

For Customers

Smooth checkout process.

Magento 2 can pick up credit/debit card merchants directly by detecting the number of digits in the first block of the number. Secondly, the guest checkout option is also simplified to pick up complete user information based on the email previously used.

Additionally, Magento 2 is also released with integrations for PayPal, Braintree,, etc. payment gateways that further add to the convenience of customer payments.

Swift page loading speed

Magento 2 is said to be 20 per cent faster than Magento 1. The design has undergone some serious trimming to become lightweight which translates into quicker page loading than the previous version.

Delightful shopping experiences

A serious process reengineering has gone behind the release of Magento 2 which has resulted in drastic reduction of unnecessary steps, which bogged down speedy transactions earlier. The improvised shopping experience will definitely reap benefits in the form of increased conversion rates.

For Admins

Productivity boosting control panel

The new admin panel is decked with controls that are intuitive and feed productive information for prompt corrective measures.

The touch-friendly interface also makes it easier to track sales on the go, monitor critical information about the business and import product attributes 4 times faster than before.

Uncompromising scalability performance

Armed with varnish caching and optimized image and codes, the new version offered agile performance like never before. The new file structure is also flexible for rapid scalability for both standalone databases as well as master databases with several slave databases.

Fuss-free maintenance and upgrades

Magento 2 is devised to make regular maintenance chores and upgrades a cake walk for customers. There is complexity involved at any stages. The steps are pretty straightforward and quick to grasp with a one time try.

In a nutshell

The second coming of Magento is of great importance to e-commerce retailers. It poses as an ideal platform to build a multi vendor e-commerce market store with enticing and sales boosting features.

Magento 2 fares well in compatibility with other third party integrations and platforms, which makes it a dream come true for online store owners.

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Plus, the extensions will always be a strong feature for Magento

5 Magento 2 extensions are Building Momentum to the Global eCommerce industry

Custom development in Magento took a step back as extensions for anything and everything became mainstream.

Especially in the e-commerce scene, Magento 2 marketplace extensions are the propulsive force behind the explosive growth of digital retail.

Apptha – Magento 2 multi vendor marketplace

Apptha’s multi-vendor marketplace extension was a notable option even in the erstwhile Magento 1 scene.

With the Magento 2 overhaul, things have got spiced up a bit. Stellar features consist of social logins, seller creation and moderation, seller order management, user reviews and ratings moderation, admin grid for seller management, seller store pages and much more.

Webkul – Marketplace extension Magento 2

Webkul’s marketplace extension in Magento 2 is an ideal choice to build a complete online store with third party vendors.

Notable features of the extension include responsive web pages, 100 per cent customizable code, multilingual compatibility, RTL support, fuss-free updates and more.

Magenest – Multi Vendor Extension

Magenest’s multi-vendor extension is an admin-friendly Magento 2 offering to build a full-fledged online store.

Admins can manage sellers from a single interface, compute separate commission rates for sellers and also make use of Facebook handles for collecting feedback through reviews and ratings.

Unirgy’s uMarketplace Suite – Magento 2 Marketplace Extension

Unirgy’s uMarketplace Suite is jam packed with ecommerce features for vendor management, logistic management, product information management, etc.

The extension also enables admins to generate analytic reports on commission charges, revenue reports and best sellers.

MageArray – Multi Vendor Marketplace

MageArray’s multivendor marketplace extension can turn any online store into a multi vendor ecommerce website with elaborate features for vendor management, store management, commission calculation and branding.

Admins can moderate sellers, sellers can edit product information and customers have the option to shop using social media credentials.

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So there you have it, five nifty extensions to help build the perfect e-commerce platform.

The e-commerce scene is showing no decline. The Magento 2 release and the subsequent explosive growth of extensions just establish this fact.

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