Scaling is expensive, so how can startups make sure they don’t go broke before the scale is over?

So the company is off and running, the hard part is over correct? Wrong. The next step is to scale the company, a process that is nearly as impossible as making those first sales.

Given the razor-thin line one walks depending on growth estimations, it’s a process of walking a tightrope between overestimating or underestimating growth. It is always difficult to determine how to make the best scaling decision for any business.

At Echelon TOP100, we have brought on-board the leader of one of Southeast Asia’s most successful scale jobs.

Steve Melhuish, the Co-founder of PropertyGuru Group, will be sharing his thoughts and experiences on operations and scaling.

Also Read: Meet 27 more investors participating in TOP100 2018

In 2011, He spearheaded PropertyGuru Group’s rapid expansion to Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand, laying the groundwork for the startup’s success today from being a single market player. During that period, the company was stretched out and had many points of failure to overcome in that single quarter. The next few years were then spent on building market leadership in each of these markets.

Today, the website is the leading property portal group in Asia and helps over 25 million people a month to find their dream home. It was also voted by consumers in 2016 as “Asia’s most influential Brand for Online Property Search” and is accelerating towards the US$1 billion evaluation mark. Last year they celebrated their 10th anniversary – a rare milestone in the digital world!

Prior to PropertyGuru Group, Steve was the CEO of an Asian social network firm and has served as an advisor to digital media, venture capital and start-up companies in Asia and Europe including Skype, AOL, Virgin Media, Vodafone, Extreme Media, iPass and Ariadne Capital.

ONLY FOR TOP100 Applicants: Steve will be sharing his advice for expanding a business and his first-hand experience with scaling a business.  

Feel free to ask him questions about:

  • When is your operation ready to scale?  When is the right time to scale?
  • What does scaling of operations mean?
  • What are the most obvious to unexpected challenges that will come along the way
  • Tips to survive for / in an aggressive scale up
  • Anything else on scaling a business.

Join us on the 1st March 2018 where Steve will be covering the topic, “Cash Is King – Investment To Finance Scaling”.

Also Read: Meet 27 of the investors participating in TOP100 2018

Got some questions for Steve? Drop your questions in the comment box below and he’ll answer them on his AMA on the 1st March 2018 at 5pm (Singapore time).

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