Learn how to get the leads you’ve been wanting for forever

So the product is up and running, revenue has started to trickle in and the team sitting around their laptops in a co-working space somewhere have heaved a sigh of relief.

Now they start having their sights on bigger targets. They’ve caught the small fishes and now they want the barracudas. But the big fishes simply aren’t biting and their attempts have failed time and time again.

What to do next? Is there anyone to help?

That’s where Pear Comms comes in. With the aim to help companies optimise their sales process, the company offers a range of products to sales professionals and businesses ( including sales force automation software and sales outsourcing).

Using their software, startups should be able to get a handle on the processing, opportunity management and more.

As a second-time entrepreneur who believes firmly in the importance of sales, Charmain discovered the importance in optimising her sales process after her first venture ISGLOVES failed. She realised that this was a problem faced by many businesses, like hers and went on a mission to help companies generate more sales.

Over her years as an entrepreneur, Charmain has developed a passion for understanding trends in sales, as well as an acute ability to identify gaps in the sales domain and build products and services to fill those gaps. She is a top sales producer and an extensively networked manager.

Also Read: Do these 21 represent Thailand’s next generation of promising startups

Above all, she is proud to have built a team of dedicated young professionals who tirelessly work towards growing the company.

Next week, she will be sharing more on the necessary steps to get more sales leads under the topic, “Inbound and Outbound Prospecting”.

Got some questions for Charmain? Drop your questions in the comment box below and she’ll answer them on her AMA this month!

FOR TOP100 Participants Only : We’ll be sending out an EDM shortly soon for you to reply with those questions. Don’t forget to reply to that EDM 🙂

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