e27 brings a lot to the TOP100 competition, which is why it’s the best in Asia

e27 is on the road again! The team is running around Asia hosting TOP100 pitching competitions and our Echelon Roadshows.

The pitching portion of TOP100 is well documented, and we will continue to update the community on the results.

But TOP100 is a lot more than simply a pitching competition (and the additional benefits are why we think it’s the region’s best programme).

Qualifying for the TOP100 Programme essentially gives you a stamp of approval. It means you have been vetted by e27, scored by veteran investors, and are amongst the top 20% from over 500 other Startups that will be pitching this year. But what happens after you have qualified?

A rundown of the TOP100 Programme

The TOP100 Programme is specifically designed to put you in the spotlight and get discovered. It welcomes you to the Startup ecosystem in Singapore, and gets you access to close door events where introductions happen.

Let’s start with the TOP100 Tour. Last year, we brought together our TOP100 startups to get everyone into “Echelon mode” before the conference officially kicked off.

We took the companies around Singapore where they were able to visit the offices of MNCs, large tech companies, universities and local startups. The companies included Google, HubSpot, NUS enterprise, DAX and Shopback.

During the tour, startups enjoyed fireside chats that featured representatives from the National Research Foundation, Jungle Ventures, Quest Ventures and BANSEA.

Finally, the startups spent one day with General Assembly perfecting their pitching technique (and their deck) for the upcoming Echelon competition.

TOP100 startups can expect more in 2019!

This year, we have two tiers of awards for the regional competition; the qualifiers and the judges choice.

Judges Choice

Essentially, these are the teams that win the regional pitching competition. Winning the Judges Choice *entitles* the startup to enjoy the full TOP100 Programme fully sponsored by e27.

What the winners get:
– Free exhibition booth space in the TOP100 Zone at Echelon Asia Summit 2019
– A pitching slot on the TOP100 stage on day 1 of Echelon (and chance to win S$50,000 Startup SG grant)
– Intimate investor meetings and inclusion to Corporate business matching (get customers!)
– 5 Starter Tickets to Echelon Asia Summit to bring your team, family and friends
– Access to the TOP100 Tour in Singapore

Qualified Startups

These are the companies that scored high enough to qualify as a TOP100 startup. This means they are still in the running to win the entire thing!

For the Qualified startups, they *qualify* for:
-Discounted rates for Exhibition booth space in the TOP100 Zone at Echelon Asia Summit 2019 (Offer ends by end of the event day)

Once a qualified startup has purchased the TOP100 booth, they are then also entitled to:
– A Pitching slot on the TOP100 stage on day 1 of Echelon
– Intimate investor meetings and inclusion to Corporate business matching
– 5 Starter Tickets to Echelon Asia Summit
– Access to the TOP100 Tour in Singapore

Most important, e27‘s mission is, “To empower entrepreneurs with the tools to build and grow their companies” and TOP100 is a core part of this ideal.

Our TOP100 startups consistently meet people at Echelon who go on to become customers, business partners, investors and connections. Our goal this year is to have 15,000 people attend the event, which means participating in Echelon is a surefire way to grow your startup.

TOP100 is here! And we can’t wait to see you at Echelon on May 23-24.

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