The platform helps data analysts leave their ‘silo’ by facilitating collaboration across various big data engines


Vertex Ventures, a Singaporean Series A-focussed investment firm under Temasek Holdings, was the lead investor in a US$4.1 million Series A into San Francisco-based ZEPL announced last week.

ZEPL is an big data company that has built a product called Apache Zeppelin — an enterprise-focussed data analytics platform that allows companies to, “Engineer the crap out of your data”.

Other participants in the round were Silicon Valley VC-firms Translink Capital and Big Basin Capital as well as the hybrid advisory group + fund, Specialized Types.

What ZEPL is trying to do is break down the ‘silos’ that create workflow inefficiencies in data analytics. The open-source software flattens the workflow and allows people to build collaborative documents via SQL, Scala and other programming languages.

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“For decades, enterprise analytics has been mired in silos—data silos, skill silos, team silos—that regardless of computational power, hindered speed and efficiency of analytics,” said ZEPL Co-founder and CEO Sejun Ra in a statement.

“And though recent advances in Hadoop, Spark, and other compute frameworks alleviate some of the data silos issues, the myriad of choices further compounds the skill and team silos.”

Apache Zeppelin supports most modern frameworks, including Spark, Cassandra, MongoDB and Elastic Search. It also works with relational databases like Oracle and MySQL.

The company says the product has been adopted by hundreds of companies across various sectors — from tech to finance — helped along by its ability to integrate with the major players in cloud computing (Amazon Web Services, Google Dataproc, Microsoft Azure and most Hadoop distributions).

“Enterprises have been clamoring for a way to seamlessly apply analytics across their organization,” said In Sik Rhee, a Partner at Vertex, who will be joining the board of the company after the investment.

“The team at ZEPL has a clear vision to drastically change the way companies leverage analytics to further their business goals, and we are pleased to support them as they expand Zeppelin’s reach.”

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One example of a company that is using ZEPL is Twitter. According to Prasad Wagle, the Technical Lead in the Data Platform team at Twitter, the company uses it for collaboration across the company.

Wagle said the Twitter team builds and shares interactive and collaborate reports and because Apache Zeppelin can be used across a variety of data analytics infrastructures, the teams are not constrained by their ‘silos’.

This investment comes a few weeks after Vertex Ventures led the massive seed funding round into the Singaporean co-working space Spacemob.





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