The Bangalore-based company will use the newly-raised funding to grow its operations and expand into new markets


Hansel’s Experience Lake

Vertex Ventures (Southeast Asia and India) has announced it has become the lead investor in Bangalore-based startup US$4 million fundraising round.

Hansel’s existing investors IDG Ventures India — who invested US$1.35 million previously –and Endiya Partners also participated in the round. The company will use the fresh funding to expand its operations to international markets and acquire new talent.

Founded in 2015 by former product and engineering leads from Zynga, Disney, and Flipkart and ex-entrepreneurs, Hansel has developed a system, called Hansel’s Experience Lake, to help product teams test out user experiences quickly without getting bogged down by the engineering cycle — which involves a lot of coding and cross-team and platform coordination, any time a change is made to the user experience.

The system contains a single repository of user experiences across any platform, which have been decoupled from code. This means product teams can personalise and test user experiences at their own pace while the tech team focuses on programming.

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The ability to test and iterate product ideas swiftly is critical in an era where innovating fast is the key to survival.

“Historically, companies have struggled to emulate the rapid pace with which the top four tech giants test and personalize product experiences. Hansel’s technology helps its customers drive new product experiences without getting bottlenecked at code,” said Piyush Kharbanda, Executive Director at Vertex Ventures.

“It is all about Time to Market. The problem we are solving for is how to enable business teams to move fast without breaking things,” said Varun Ramamurthy, CEO of

Hansel’s product is available Android, iOS, Web and common backend platforms, It also can be integrated with any existing A/B testing and personalization setup.

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