The cool thing about Rakupa is, like Airbnb, users can find, reserve, pay for spots before leaving home

A couple of weeks ago, Rakuten launched a new app that allows owners of unused parking spots to ‘rent out‘ their spot when they are not using it. Sounds familiar right?

Substitute parking space for apartment and we’d be talking about Airbnb.

Rakupa is not the first company to try and bring the sharing economy to parking. Divvy, an Australian company with a presence in Asia, is working on a similar business model.

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Think about it though, let’s say you have an office-issued parking spot, but for whatever reason took the train to work. Why not make some money while at work while also easing congestion in the area?

Rakuten users can earn Rakuten Super points by using the app, as well as pay for the service with the points.

For now, the service is only available in Japan. It launched with about 1,000 spaces in its network.

Also Read: Rakuten co-leads US$350M funding round in MENA-based ride-sharing startup

There is one problem that does not seem to have a solution yet. What if someone unwittingly “steals” the spot?

Copyright: rafaelbenari / 123RF Stock Photo

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