Some ideas and resources for your professional growth

The startup scene in Southeast Asia is complicated. On one hand, this region is bursting with innovation and there are ample opportunities to work on the ground floor of a company set to disrupt verticals across the globe.

However, the industry is also rife with startup failure. An e27 article from February 2018, explored some of the core issues that are plaguing the startup field and de-railing once-promising companies. As revealed in the article, many founders are unaware of the right steps to take to bring in a strong team and scale a company effectively.

Although these problems are prevalent, that are not unique to Southeast Asia alone. As anyone who has ever tried to launch a company will tell you, unexpected challenges emerge on an almost daily basis. It’s one thing to to have a (potentially) disruptive idea, it’s quite another to bring that idea to life by managing employees, developing a product, and convincing customers of its value.

Also read: Why failing your startup does not mean you are a failure

Despite the challenges however, there are many benefits to working at an early-stage startup, and many professionals are still undeterred from pursuing their dreams of developing a product or growing a service that has the potential to help consumers across the globe. As more startups (and investors) are looking outside the confines of Silicon Valley for the next big thing, pursuing startup ecosystems like Singapore’s thriving market may be in your best interest.

But before you get too excited and start applying for Visas, it’s important to recognise that landing opportunities in new cities is not always easy. If you’re eager, however, to grow personally and professionally in a new country, here are a few resources you should consider utilising:

1. Learn a new language

One of the biggest skills that will set you apart from other applicants when going for an international job is the ability to speak multiple languages. If you don’t already, there are programs like Rosetta Stone and others that can help you develop your language skills so that you can add another language to your resume. Whether you only speak your native language or speak a few other ones, but none in the country you want to work with, a language learning program can help you get the skills you need.

Not only do language learning programs offer opportunities to boost your skills and get the job you want, but they can also sometimes offer international employment opportunities themselves. American International English Teacher’s Association (AEITA), for example, gives people who speak English the opportunity to teach whether online or abroad.

2. Take international business classes

Beyond knowing the language and of the people you’ll be working with, it’s important to know how business works in their country and what the laws, rules, and regulations are. If you didn’t get the chance while in school, taking international business classes that focus specifically on the country you want to work with will help you progress and move closer to your goal of working internationally. You can take free courses online, enroll in some classes at your local college or university, or connect with a business person in the country where you want to work.

3. Learn a new culture

Language is an important part of working an international job; however, understanding and knowing the culture of the people you’re working with can be just as important. Although certain customs, phrases, and gestures may not seem like much to you, they can be offensive or hold serious meaning in other cultures.

Additionally, neglecting to follow certain practices or routines can cause issues and offense as well. Taking culture courses can help you become more familiar and comfortable with the people you’ll be working with and know how to show them proper respect and speak to them with the proper wording.

Also read: 5 strategies for successfully scaling company culture

There are a number of different ways that you can learn about other cultures in addition to taking courses online or at your local school or university. From researching online to immersing yourself completely in the culture, culture courses can give you a leg up when looking for an international job.

4. International internships

Sometimes the best way to learn something is by being immersed in it. Whether you’re trying to learn the language, want to become a guru of how business works in that part of the world, are looking to learn more about the culture, or all of the above, an international internship can help you accomplish all.

By traveling internationally and diving head first into an unfamiliar world, you will be able to better and more quickly familiarise yourself with the language, business, and culture.

5. Networking

People are powerful tools, and you might be surprised to find just what they can help you with. Your friends, family, neighbors, and current coworkers could have connections to people and companies that can get you the international job of your dreams. Networking is a great way to build up and maintain connections with people who can help you get where you want to go whether now or shortly down the road.

e27’s very own Echelon Summit Asia is just around the corner, so if you are in Singapore, you would want to check it out. If you cannot travel, there are also dozens of networking events in different cities. Some startup communities even hold their own regular events so that entreprenerus, investors, and people interested in taking startup jobs, can mingle together.

Final thoughts

Getting an international career offers a lot of benefits, both personal and professional. Whether you want to stay home and work with people in other countries, or move to another country completely, networking, working your language skills, and brushing up on cultures can help you qualify for the job of your dreams. If you could work anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be?


Echelon Asia Summit 2018 is e27’s flagship platform that brings together startups, investors, corporates, governments, tech ecosystem players and customers.

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Photo by Elijah Hail on Unsplash


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