DailySocial’s latest digital consumer behaviour report reveals what Indonesians like — and dislike — about social media, online shopping, and “ojek”

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Saturday Night Live actress Leslie Jones may be well-known for her penchant to live-tweet her favourite TV shows, such as Game of Thrones and the Olympics (NBC offered her the opportunity to go to Rio de Janeiro to cover the Games live), but the Ghostbusters star might have a new competitor down the road: Indonesian digital consumers.

In a country in which the number of mobile subscribers outpaced its own population by 13 per cent (282 million subscribers vs. about 250 million people), it is no surprise that Indonesian digital consumers are social media savvy.

According to the DailySocial Indonesia’s Digital Consumer Behaviour Report 2016, 65 per cent of Indonesians spend their breaks on social media platforms. Typically, users are browsing (79 per cent) or posting content (30 to 35 per cent) in the form of status updates, photo uploads, or link and video sharing.

Entertainment is the favourite topic with 49 per cent of users posting about the subject. Technology, sports, and politics followed at less than 20 per cent each.

The report stressed that 77 per cent of Indonesians open their social media timeline while watching TV (though there is no information whether they are posting about the TV show itself or about other topics).

For your reading convenience, we have compiled key findings from the report that is aimed to give a macro perspective on Indonesians’ habits when using social media services, streaming services, online transportation, and online shopping.

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What is the most popular social media platform in Indonesia?

The answer is none other than the king itself, Facebook.

The report stated that 81 per cent of Indonesian digital consumers use Facebook, followed by Instagram at 48 per cent (which is owned by Facebook, further highlighting its domination in the market).

Interestingly, Path has beaten Twitter as the next most popular platform at 27 per cent with the microblogging site three points lower at 24 per cent respectively. Snapchat users remain a minority at only six per cent.

As for chat messengers, Blackberry Messenger remains popular in Indonesia with 77 per cent of Indonesians still using the service. It is followed closely by Whatsapp (71 per cent) and LINE (56 per cent).

When it comes to streaming services, cable TV is not very popular with 57 per cent of Indonesians saying they don’t use the service. Of these people, 64 per cent responded by saying they had no plan to apply for a subscription.

In enjoying the services, 66 per cent of Indonesians use their smartphone to watch videos in Youtube or Facebook (52 per cent) as compared with movies (26 per cent).

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However, it is important to note that a whooping 73 per cent of Indonesians would say ‘no’ to pay for streaming services, with only seven per cent are willing to pay for services in the future.

“The challenge is on what kind of scheme that will drive Indonesians to pay,” the report suggested.


Despite only gaining popularity in 2015, ride-hailing apps have become an inseparable part of Indonesian digital consumers’ lives — though only 15 per cent admitted to use the service on daily basis.

The report cited ‘avoiding traffic jam’ as the primary reason why consumers are into this service, which is dominated by Go-Jek, Grab, and Uber.

Of all the three brands, which one is the most popular among users? The answer depends on the transportation mode itself.

Go-Jek remains the most popular for motorbike category with an 83 per cent user rate, while GrabCar rules the car category with 45 per cent, followed closely by Uber at 41 per cent.

Go-Jek also rules the on-demand courier service with its Go-Send feature (84 per cent) and food delivery with its Go-Food feature (87 per cent).

The report revealed an intriguing insight as to why people choose a company’s ride-hailing service — and why they do not choose that company’s service.

Contrary to what the startups believe, ‘good service’ (39 per cent) remains the primary reason why a company is being chosen by the customers, with ‘affordability’ following behind at third place with 23 per cent.

Interestingly, when it comes to the companies they do not choose, the number one consideration is expensive price (39 per cent), with ‘bad service’ following closely at 32 per cent.

Online shopping

There are several points that global and local e-commerce players need to keep in mind.

First of all, Indonesians do not buy expensive or luxurious goods online as the majority of them (84 per cent) are spending less than IDR1 million (US$76.3) per checkout. Online shopping also has not become a habit of Indonesians as 65 per cent of them are shopping via the Internet less than once a month.

The most popular items in Indonesia’s online shopping scene are ‘fashion items’, making it is safe to say that online shopping is still being viewed as a leisurely activity (instead of a necessity).

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Another point that is unique about the market is the role that Facebook and Instagram are playing.

Not only are the majority of sales are coming through Facebook and Instagram ads (38 per cent and 24 per cent respectively), many small businesses are also using the platform to sell directly to customers.

How can companies reach out to these customers then?

Campaigns and promotions seem like the way to go, as they cited ‘pricing’ as the top consideration (42 per cent) when shopping online. ‘Free shipping’ and ‘discounts’ are also more popular than ‘cashbacks’ or ‘buy-one-get-one’ at 32 per cent, 40 per cent, seven per cent, and 19 per cent respectively.

Indonesia is the largest market in Southeast Asia, and these insights may just help to crack the code.

Image Credit: Jens Kreuter on Unsplash

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