We are not an early stage startup, but hey we in-house a group of them, which is kinda the same

Today, our Managing Director sent me a message about getting in to Echelon’s TOP100 programme. I’ve seen the programme’s journey on how they travelled to search for Asia’s TOP100 most promising startups, and I must admit I was a bit surprised that we got in to the TOP100, when we don’t even qualify as an early stage startup.

Let me get this straight — we are on our growth stage but we provide a home and full board of services for early stage startups. We have 60+ startup clients from around the world and we want to be the avenue for them to grow their businesses. Getting in to this programme for us means empowering our clients with more tools to grow their businesses.

We’re not battling at the Echelon stage to grab a huge amount of funding; We aim to get our name out there and connect with the brightest minds of the startup scene to foster synergistic partnerships.

We might not win the TOP100 Championship Belt

But we will win connections for our people. We will get the chance to exhibit and pitch what we do. There’s no other way to say it. I know a pitch is not a commercial. It is a concise description of a business idea to an investor — which in our case are all the people in the startup scene.

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2018 is indeed a very exciting year for us! We recently launched our new office in Manila, we’re building global partnerships, and now we’re tapping in the Singapore market through the TOP100 programme.

It happened gradually, but we’re finally on this stage. We are a space for more than co-working. We are innovating together with our startups. We’re in talks with various technical experts to build a Penbrothers tech platform centered towards our people and services. So don’t rule us out yet, we certainly can do some powerful things!


About Penbrothers

Penbrothers was founded in December 2014 with the objective of providing recruitment, payroll assistance, legal services and flexible office spaces in the Philippines for local and international startup companies. It current has 900 seats in Manila and 50 customers from all around the world.

Its mission is to help companies grow their teams with exceptional talent so that they can focus on their core business, while reversing the brain drain of talented Filipinos going to work overseas: they can now do it from here.

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