Called ‘Academy’, e27 content team is embarking on a journey to create the best educational content in Southeast Asia, and we need your help

The hardcore e27 fans have probably seen my colleagues running around, pitching our offline Academy event and working hard to make sure it is perfect.

The event will also be linked to an online component, whereby we provide a resource that helps entrepreneurs answer confusing or technical questions about your company.

At e27, our mission is, “To empower entrepreneurs with the tools to build and grow their companies.”

This means building a library where entrepreneurs can find useful information, advice from the experts and articles about taxes, legal documents, founder agreements and employment concerns.

But we want to know what you need! So, we create a five-minute-long survey to help us make sure the articles are useful.

To participate, either scan the QR-Code above, or simply click the following link:

Your input is important to continue making e27 the best possible platform for Southeast Asia’s startup community.

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