This simple four-step technique will help you generate as well as nurture leads on autopilot

Are you struggling to generate leads for your business?

Sure you are.

Generating high-quality leads is the top challenge for 61 per cent B2B marketers. No matter how great your product is, if it is not seen by the right people, it won’t work.

Even if your content is reaching the right people, a poor lead generation strategy can ruin everything. You will not generate enough leads.

The following lead generation strategy will help your brand get better at it.

1. Use squeeze pages

Email marketing is the most common lead generation strategy used by 78 per cent of businesses.

Sending traffic to your website’s homepage is a bad idea. In fact, it is the last thing that you should do.

Create squeeze pages to capture email addresses of the visitors so that you can contact them later. Sending traffic to your website without collecting the email address is a bad approach.

Better yet, offer them lead magnets so that they cannot resist your offer to subscribe to your list.

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You can push subscribers into your sales funnel as soon as they opt for the lead magnet. Here is an example squeeze page from Forbes.

Forbes squeeze page

Guess what they’re doing? They’re building their email list.

BuyerLinkage increased its opt-in rate by a whopping 27 per cent when it started sending traffic from different sources on dedicated squeeze pages instead of directing all the traffic to their homepage.

2. Use opt-in forms throughout your website

Use multiple opt-in forms throughout your website. Opt-in forms make it easier for the visitors to enter your sales funnel.

Consider Hack to Sleep. It isn’t using any opt-in form on its landing page. It is losing potential customers. Wishpond, on the other hand, is using multiple opt-in forms including a popup and one in a sidebar.

The idea isn’t to load your website with opt-in forms but at least use one to avoid lead leakages.

You can use opt-in forms in the header, sidebar, in content, and as popups. Make sure that the fields in the form are reduced to the minimum. This is one of the simple techniques (among four others) that helped Binonn increase the opt-in rate to 59 per cent.

3. Send valuable emails to subscribers

Building an email list is not the purpose instead you’ve to convert subscribers into customers by engaging with them. You’ve to send them valuable content via autoresponder.

Before you start building an email list for your startup, you should have autoresponder ready for the first month. Create a drip campaign and plan everything in advance.

email drip campaign

4. Test and tweak

Not all the squeeze pages perform equally well. Not all the lead magnets do a great job. Not every email gets opened.

Your job is to track everything and see what’s working and what isn’t working.

Also read: Software testing and development: Why bots and AI are the future

Tweak what’s not working and make it better and test again.

This is a rather continuous cycle where you’ve to keep testing, analyzing, and tweaking everything ranging from CTRs to headlines to lead magnets to color schemes to email copies and pretty much everything.

This simple four-step technique will help you generate as well as nurture leads on autopilot. The new subscribers will start receiving emails via drip campaign.

Who hates generating quality leads on autopilot?


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