At our Echelon Asia Summit, we welcome entrepreneurs of all stripes

Nine years.

That is how long we have been running our flagship Echelon Asia Summit tech conference — an event that brings together the region’s tech champions, fledgling founders, financiers, engineers, and the curious bystanders looking to get an insight into the bizarro world of entrepreneurship.

As we come closer to a decade of overseeing and enabling the evolution of the regional ecosystem, we at e27 have remained steadfast to our core mission: to provide the tools and resources that help entrepreneurs power up their companies to the next level.

At Echelon Asia Summit, we saw the promise and potential of young founders and gave them the platform to express ideas; and later, watch them morph their companies into billion dollar unicorns.

One example of this would be in 2014, when we invited Anthony Tan, founder of Grab (then called GrabTaxi), to speak about his company’s founding journey. Grab was then already halfway on its journey to becoming a billion-dollar behemoth. Today, its iconic status in the regional ecosystem needs little mention.

We are also committed to inclusivity, and over the years have made it a key priority to ensure that both genders are given fair representation across the board. It is not an easy job, for sure; the tech industry is traditionally male-dominated, but we are seeing positive signs that the shift towards equality is happening, and we will not rest on our laurels until this goal has been achieved.

The tech ecosystem is quite possibly the fastest growing industry in the world. Companies achieve sky-high valuations within years or even months. And, on top of that, once nascent technologies or solutions become mainstream within a couple of years (just look at ride-hailing). At e27, our teams work closely hand-in-hand to identify the movers and shakers of the industry, as well as emerging trends that would become widespread. We endeavour to be on the cutting edge of tech.

At this year’s Echelon Asia Summit 2019, which takes place on May 23 and 24 and will be held at the Singapore Expo, you can expect a new and updated version of previous iterations. We have the experience, the mileage, and we know what makes the ecosystem tick. We know where the industry is headed and what it needs to hear (check out ecosystem report that we published at the beginning of the year).

If you are a thought leader in the ecosystem, we would like to provide you with the stage to express your thoughts and ideas. With an expected audience size of over 15,000, you can expect your message to impact a large and broad demographic of stakeholders — from the fresh-faced graduate out of school looking to build their own company, to the veteran VC looking to spot the next gamechanger in tech.

So, if you would like to participate as a speaker, you can submit your interest using this form.

Alternatively, if you would like to pop in, enjoy the conference, and mingle with Southeast Asia’s tech luminaries — such as Zilingo Co-founder and CEO Ankiti Bose (who will be speaking at the event) — feel free to pick up a ticket here.

Echelon Asia Summit 2019 is bringing together 15,000 of the best and brightest of APAC’s tech ecosystem. Happening on May 23-24 at the Singapore Expo, Echelon features 3 conference stages, over 300 exhibitors, TOP100 startup pitching, special workshops and roundtable discussions, and many more.

Image Credit: Inês Pimentel on Unsplash

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