Meeting people and establishing strong relationships will always be important, not just for salesman nor business owners but also in our social life


If you feel that you lack the proper social skills required to influence people and make lasting friendships or partnerships. Learning these mind tricks won’t make you a psychic, but it will give you an advantage that can create a positive impact on everyone you encounter.

Ready to win people over?

1. Remember People’s Names


If you’ve read Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People, you’ll understand the power which this point holds. Everyone loves their name and prefers that it is spoken correctly or written without errors. When you meet a person for the first time, ask for his/her name and try to keep it safe in your memory. If you can address this person by his/her name during your conversation, the person will feel cherished and honored.

2. Don’t Criticize People


Nobody loves to be attacked even if they are wrong. When you understand this rule, you’ll save yourself the stress of an argument or a big misunderstanding. Even when people you meet did something wrong, let them admit it themselves. When you point it to them, they are bound to defend themselves since humans are creatures of emotion, who are motivated by pride and ego.

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3. Mirror Others’ Actions


Typically we like people of our kind. By synchronizing the way of how the person speaks or act, you’re more likely to get their approval. Smiling as they smile or wearing a worried expression too shows them that you understand them and approve of their actions. Within that instant, they’ll feel closer to you around.

4. Be Agreeable, not Defensive 


You’ll always meet people who may be somewhat complicated or difficult to converse with. When such ones attack you or raise certain arguments, don’t jump in and try to protect your ego. Humbly agree with their allegations and let it slide. Being defensive doesn’t solve anything. Instead, it keeps you both going in a cyclical bout of angry outbursts and sparks. Carnegie advises that the best way to address an argument is to avoid it. There’s no point trying to prove that you were right. Only apologize if that’s all that’s required to restore peace.

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5. Turn the Spotlight on them


It’s very easy for you to talk about yourself and how much you’ve accomplished. But this only bores listeners because they also can’t wait to boast of their achievements too. A good conversationalist always allows the other speaker to take the floor first. When your partner realizes that they’ve been doing more of the talking, they’ll readily keep silent and listen to any and everything you may have to say.


These psychological tricks have survived years and peoples. With the right people skills, you equip yourself to enjoy healthier relationships both at home and at work. Remember that the world is not about you; it’s about the person you are interacting with. No matter what you do, never be deficient in the right skills that motivate and influence people to listen to you and agree with your ideas. 


Contributed by Marcus Eng from Growth Party

Featured Image Credits: 123RF Stock Photography

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