They use patented award winning AI technology to elevate in-event engagement


Smart is always in. We are at an age where everything is smart – from something as small as your phone to something as massive as your whole house – so, why not events?

Imagine a customer engagement tool that seamlessly works across diverse channels to provide top-notch customer experience from either a single touchpoint to a broader end-to-end journey.

Winimy designs, builds, and implements seamless AI-engineered customer engagement technologies. Through devices like Alexa and Google home, they develop AI solutions that aim to change the way businesses and stakeholders interact and add value to business and stakeholders.

This year, Winimy pushes the boundary of technological innovation with Voice AI. At Echelon Asia Summit 2018, attendees will get access to Winimy’s patented award winning AI technology that uses the human feature of voice to attract and engage.

Customisation and accessibility are key, and by partnering with Echelon, Winimy is establishing Voice AI as an accepted method of business to customer or event to attendee conversations.

“Winimy has a bold mission to use voice-based AI to transform business-customer interactions. We believe that voice AI is the way forward in customer behaviour and interactions between businesses and customers in the next few years will be driven by it.” – Swami Sekar, Founder and CEO, Winmy AI

This partnership is a step towards smarter events that provide value to all the stakeholders such as the organisers, attendees and exhibitors through a bespoke optimised experience.


Disclosure: Winimy is the official AI concierge partner for Echelon Asia Summit 2018.You can reach Winimy via

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