Bezirk is now iero, and the AI-driven game is all about providing relevant content to the user at the right context

In a world where everyone wants to give you your choices and Artificial Intelligence is the name of the game, we see a difference in the way a startup approaches the problem.

There are always multiple questions which come to the mind:

  1. When data is the key and everyone is behind data, is it the one who has more data who wins?
  2. Or the one with better algorithm?

At iero, we feel that both data and the algorithm are important, but each alone cannot change the game.

We believe that it’s all about the context: How do I make the journey of the user more relevant?

Further-on, focus is also required on bigger problems that need to be solved. Key is in addressing the right problem without intruding into user privacy.

From a customer-centric view, it becomes important to have a single overall profile which can help a person to make the right choices by getting the relevant recommendations, may it be for the food or the events or the points of interest.

Mobiero, a vertical at iero, where displays in automotive aid to enhance a person’s journey using iero’s portfolio of connected apps providing context aware content recommendations. This channel, we feel, is quite an important one, since, for a professional, most of the time today passes off in travel (for business or pleasure).

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Mobiero: From iero, a Bosch Startup

A rightly selected portfolio of applications plays an important role to ensure that all the necessary needs of a user are captured. With that in mind, iero’s portfolio contains content which provide information related to daily news, weather, financials, places of interest while also providing a selection of content including music, movies, restaurant information, shopping facilitation among others. This, along with the right recommendations, ensure that it only aids the user to pick things quickly at the right time.

Though designing and choosing the right applications and interface are important, in such a user-centric application, one important aspect that needs to be addressed is the focus on User Interface design and User experience.

Additionally, the consumer has to trust the technology and the use case benefit he is getting out of it without which the user will not be interested in the application.

For us, it is a critical journey where success of technology is dependent on the user, as well. This is where Artificial Intelligence Engine plays a major role, by learning and monitoring on a continuous basis and taking actions in real-time, including providing the right recommendations (promotions, self-help information, hints, right selection of music and videos, etc.). The fact that UX changes with regions is also why learning engines play an important role in the development of software applications.

As Mr. Vijay Ratnaparkhe, Managing Director of Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions, says: “Using global platforms to solve hyper local solutions is the key.”

With more and more AI engines being developed by major software players in the market, it is only time that is in the way of AI becoming a normal day software platform which becomes a part of one’s everyday life. The initial curiosity and fear of AI will be long replaced by harnessing the benefits of a few selected engines which will constitute majority of the software applications globally!

But critical part, as Mr. Dattatri Salagame who is Vice President and Head of Strategy, New Businesses and M&A for Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions India Pvt. Ltd says is “recognizing why their hypothesis has failed is very critical for a startup, which many miss to do,” and it is all the more important in AI-based startups .


Pavan Govindan and Hemanth Sheelvant are part of a Bosch intrapreneurial venture IERO focusing on IOT Personalization Technologies



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